© Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Foto: Gordon Welters Concerts à Berlin Les plus beaux concerts et spectacles
© visitBerlin, Foto: Philip Koschel Billets & activités sur la guerre froide & le mur de Berlin Visites guidées, expositions sur l'histoire & plus
List viewList viewMap viewMap view Lecture © Bild © AMNH Lecture 26.03.2025 + 1 additional date Dark universe Dark universe Lecture 26.03.2025 + 1 additional date Dark universe Discover what we know about the cosmos and what mysteries we have yet to unlock! We go on a journey into the depths of the universe and learn which discoveries have led us to the great cosmic mysteries in the last 100 years. Along the way, we'll look at the… Lire la suite science Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 17:00 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/dunkles-universum Lectures & Readings © Gershom-Scholem-Archiv in der Nationalbibliothek Israels (lizenzfrei) Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Berliner Geschichte(n) kompakt Berliner Geschichte(n) kompakt Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Berliner Geschichte(n) kompakt In the book “The Scholems”, Jay H. Geller examines the history of this German-Jewish family and their experiences in Berlin in the 19th and 20th centuries. This evening, the historian will speak about the family’s place in Berlin and German history and will… Lire la suite Emplacement Museum Ephraim-Palais Museum Ephraim-Palais Heure 18:00 – 19:30 https://www.stadtmuseum.de/veranstaltungen/die-scholems-geschichte-einer-deutsch-juedischen-familie Workshop © Grimms Garten GbR Workshop 26.03.2025 + 2 additional dates Flower Ring (Dryflowers) Flower Ring (Dryflowers) Workshop 26.03.2025 + 2 additional dates Flower Ring (Dryflowers) Dried flower wreaths are not only very trendy. As a must-have among wall decorations in the boho style, interior design seems hardly possible without this floral element. Lire la suite Emplacement Grimms Garten Grimms Garten Heure 18:00 – 20:30 https://www.grimms-garten.com/products/trockenblumen-ring Lectures & Readings © visitBerlin, GRAFIK MFS Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Aperitif and guided tour: Poetics of Transition Aperitif and guided tour: Poetics of Transition Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Aperitif and guided tour: Poetics of Transition After a little refreshment, the two art historians Katharina Seifert and Claudia Wasow-Kania will talk to the artists present about the positions in the exhibition during a tour of the exhibition "Poetics of Transition" in the GalerieETAGE. Lire la suite Free of charge Contemporary Art Emplacement Heimatmuseum Reinickendorf Heimatmuseum Reinickendorf Heure 18:30 – 20:30 http://kunst-reinickendorf.de Lecture © SPB / Foto: Natalie Toczek Lecture 26.03.2025 + 62 additional dates Sternstunde Sternstunde Lecture 26.03.2025 + 62 additional dates Sternstunde It's time for a tour of the universe! Learn about the objects and constellations you can currently see in the Berlin sky, and then fly out into space: past the planets of the solar system and across the stars closest to us. We finally leave our Milky Way, the… Lire la suite science Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 18:30 http://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/sternstunde Reading © Tobias Koch / Suhrkamp Verlag Reading 26.03.2025 "Faulty Debates" in Berlin "Faulty Debates" in Berlin Reading 26.03.2025 "Faulty Debates" in Berlin In their book ‘Faulty debates. Why we need to argue better as a society’, Julia Reuschenbach and Korbinian Frenzel analyse the current culture of debate in Germany. Lire la suite Literature Politics & Society Emplacement Konrad-Adenauer-Forum Konrad-Adenauer-Forum Heure 19:00 https://adenauerhaus.de/besuch/berlin Films © visitBerlin, Illustration Jim Avignon Films 26.03.2025 – 31.12.2025 Meet Polish Cinema Meet Polish Cinema Films 26.03.2025 – 31.12.2025 Meet Polish Cinema Film series at the City-Kino Wedding with introductions followed by expert discussions. Lire la suite International Film events in Berlin Emplacement City Kino Wedding City Kino Wedding Müllerstraße 74 13349 Berlin Heure 19:00 https://instytutpolski.pl/berlin/2025/03/12/meet-polish-cinema-2025-vol-1/ Acheter les billets Lectures & Readings © Heike Overberg Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 READING AND TALK | Radical Beauty READING AND TALK | Radical Beauty Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 READING AND TALK | Radical Beauty The internationally renowned actress Angela Winkler and her daughter Nele Winkler, an actress at the RambaZamba Theater, read from Erich Kästner’s novel “The Conference of the Animals” and discuss their lives on and off the stage. Lire la suite Literature Emplacement f³ – freiraum für fotografie f³ – freiraum für fotografie Heure 19:00 https://fhochdrei.org/event/lesung-und-gespraech/ Films © KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Foto: Fette Sans Films 26.03.2025 Screening Miloš Trakilović and Šejla Kamerić Screening Miloš Trakilović and Šejla Kamerić Films 26.03.2025 Screening Miloš Trakilović and Šejla Kamerić In conjunction with Miloš Trakilović’s exhibition, KW presents a screening of two works: Trakilović’s Colorless Green Freedoms Sleep Furiously and 1395 Days Without Red, by Šejla Kamerić in collaboration with Anri Sala and Ari Benjamin Meyers. Lire la suite Film events in Berlin Emplacement KW - Institute for Contemporary Art KW - Institute for Contemporary Art Heure 19:00 https://www.kw-berlin.de/milos-trakilovic-screening/ Films © Konstantinos Kamperis Films 26.03.2025 – 30.03.2025 10th GREEK FILM FESTIVAL 10th GREEK FILM FESTIVAL Films 26.03.2025 – 30.03.2025 10th GREEK FILM FESTIVAL The 10th Greek Film Festival in Berlin will take place from 26 to 30 March 2025 at the Babylon in Mitte. Lire la suite Film events in Berlin International Emplacement Babylon Babylon Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 30 10178 Berlin Heure 19:30 https://thegreekfilmfestivalinberlin.com/de/ Reading © tic / Detlef Fleischer Reading 26.03.2025 Das Meer ist so blau wie der Himmel (The sea is as blue as the sky) Das Meer ist so blau wie der Himmel (The sea is as blue as the sky) Reading 26.03.2025 Das Meer ist so blau wie der Himmel (The sea is as blue as the sky) Stella suffers from a mysterious oversensitivity that makes her empathize with the pain and injuries of strangers. As a result, she has become increasingly withdrawn and, in a now uneventful life, obtains emotions second-hand through the consumption of series… Lire la suite Literature Berlin's neighbourhoods Emplacement BUCHBOX! BUCHBOX! Kiezbuchhandlung Kastanienallee 97 10435 Berlin Heure 20:00 https://www.buchboxberlin.de/veranstaltungen Acheter les billets Reading © Nina Maul Reading 26.03.2025 NOTES OF BERLIN NOTES OF BERLIN Reading 26.03.2025 NOTES OF BERLIN "Budgie escaped - color doesn't matter": Joab Nist has been collecting these and other bizarre note messages for many years in Berlin and founded his collection NOTES OF BERLIN on 10.10.2010, now one of the most read blogs in this country with over 500,000… Lire la suite On Tour Emplacement Tipi am Kanzleramt Tipi am Kanzleramt Heure 20:00 https://www.tipi-am-kanzleramt.de/de/programm/programmuebersicht/notes-of-berlin.html Acheter les billets Lectures & Readings © visitBerlin, Foto Max Threlfall Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Parole Text:Buch • Sie wartet, aber sie weiß nicht, auf wen - Roland Schimmelpfennig • Moderation: Sascha Michel (Lektor) Parole Text:Buch • Sie wartet, aber sie weiß nicht, auf wen - Roland Schimmelpfennig • Moderation: Sascha Michel (Lektor) Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Parole Text:Buch • Sie wartet, aber sie weiß nicht, auf wen - Roland Schimmelpfennig • Moderation: Sascha Michel (Lektor) Night café, reading zone, reading stage, literature - and today the slogan Text:Book: For 30 years, this format has been dedicated to the written word in the Red Salon of the Volksbühne on Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. Lire la suite Emplacement Volksbühne - Roter Salon Volksbühne - Roter Salon Heure 20:00 – 22:00 https://www.volksbuehne.berlin/#/de/veranstaltungen/parole-textbuch-sie-wartet-aber-sie-weiss-nicht-auf-wen Acheter les billets Reading © Berliner Zeitung Paulus Ponizak Reading 26.03.2025 Torsten Harmsen: Nazi and Communist. Two German Lives Torsten Harmsen: Nazi and Communist. Two German Lives Reading 26.03.2025 Torsten Harmsen: Nazi and Communist. Two German Lives How do people decide which path they take in life, whether they end up on the "right" or "wrong" side? What role do origins and ideologies play in this? And is there even "good" and "evil"? These questions are very current. But they were also asked 90 years… Lire la suite On Tour History of National Socialism Literature Emplacement Pfefferberg - Theater Pfefferberg - Theater Heure 20:00 Acheter les billets Lecture © NASA EPIC Team Lecture 27.03.2025 + 27 additional dates Raumschiff Erde Raumschiff Erde Lecture 27.03.2025 + 27 additional dates Raumschiff Erde With a countdown, the planetarium spaceship takes off and the audience hurtles into space. Who has ever seen from space how the earth flies around the sun? Here, the audience gets to know the sunlit day side of the Earth as well as the dark night side with the… Lire la suite science Children Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 09:30 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/raumschiff-erde Lectures & Readings © NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute Lectures & Readings 27.03.2025 + 1 additional date Mit Raketen zu Planeten Mit Raketen zu Planeten Lectures & Readings 27.03.2025 + 1 additional date Mit Raketen zu Planeten Join an exciting adventure trip to the eight planets of the solar system! In addition to tiny Mercury and red-hot Venus, you will also get to know Mars and find out why it is called the red planet. The space tour continues to the giant planets: Jupiter with… Lire la suite Emplacement Archenhold-Sternwarte Archenhold-Sternwarte Heure 11:00 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/mit-raketen-zu-planeten Films © NSC Creative Films 27.03.2025 + 2 additional dates The great solar system adventure The great solar system adventure Films 27.03.2025 + 2 additional dates The great solar system adventure From 6 March, the Stiftung Planetarium Berlin presents ‘The Great Adventure Journey through the Solar System’, an award-winning English fulldome production by NSC Creative, at the Zeiss-Großplanetarium. Lire la suite Children Teenager science Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 11:00 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/abenteuerreise-durchs-sonnensystem Top événement Lecture © Lukas Beck Top événement Lecture 27.03.2025 Studio 9. The Day with Josef Hader. Deutschlandfunk Kultur - live from the Humboldt Forum Studio 9. The Day with Josef Hader. Deutschlandfunk Kultur - live from the Humboldt Forum Top événement Lecture 27.03.2025 Studio 9. The Day with Josef Hader. Deutschlandfunk Kultur - live from the Humboldt Forum For a pretzel, for a word. Deutschlandfunk Kultur invites you to the live radio show from the Humboldt Forum in Berlin. Be there when we welcome a prominent guest from culture, science, media or politics to the Mechanical Arena. Have an engaging conversation… Lire la suite Politics & Society Free of charge Emplacement Humboldt Forum - Foyer Humboldt Forum - Foyer Heure 11:50 – 13:00 https://www.humboldtforum.org/en/programm/event-reihe/talk/studio-9-der-tag-mit-57997/ Workshop © Koreanisches Kulturzentrum Workshop 27.03.2025 + 3 additional dates Cookery courses at the Korean Cultural Centre Cookery courses at the Korean Cultural Centre Workshop 27.03.2025 + 3 additional dates Cookery courses at the Korean Cultural Centre From 27 to 28 March, the Korean Cultural Centre's cookery courses are back after a short winter break. Lire la suite Events for foodies International Emplacement Koreanisches Kulturzentrum Berlin Koreanisches Kulturzentrum Berlin Heure 12:00 https://germany.korean-culture.org/de/1517/board/1185/read/136147 Lectures & Readings © Bild © NASA, ESA, K. Kuntz (JHU), F. Bresolin (University of Hawaii), J. Trauger (Jet Propulsion Lab), J. Mould (NOAO), Y.-H. Chu (University of Illinois, Urbana) and STScI Lectures & Readings 27.03.2025 + 3 additional dates Sternstunde Sternstunde Lectures & Readings 27.03.2025 + 3 additional dates Sternstunde It's time for a tour of the universe! They fly out into space and get closer to the objects and constellations that can currently be seen in the Berlin sky. Past the planets of the solar system and the stars closest to us, you leave the Milky Way and, after a… Lire la suite Emplacement Archenhold-Sternwarte Archenhold-Sternwarte Heure 12:30 http://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/sternstunde Workshop © Bild: Jens Nordmann Workshop 27.03.2025 + 4 additional dates Digital Cafe Digital Cafe Workshop 27.03.2025 + 4 additional dates Digital Cafe Casual Exchange on the Topic of Digitalization. In the Digital Café, we will discuss questions, concerns, and experiences related to the digital world in a relaxed atmosphere. Lire la suite Digital offers and live streams Free of charge Emplacement Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek Heure 14:00 https://www.berlin.de/stadtbibliothek-pankow/bibliotheken/janusz-korczak-bibliothek/veranstaltungen/
Lecture © Bild © AMNH Lecture 26.03.2025 + 1 additional date Dark universe Dark universe Lecture 26.03.2025 + 1 additional date Dark universe Discover what we know about the cosmos and what mysteries we have yet to unlock! We go on a journey into the depths of the universe and learn which discoveries have led us to the great cosmic mysteries in the last 100 years. Along the way, we'll look at the… Lire la suite science Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 17:00 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/dunkles-universum
Lectures & Readings © Gershom-Scholem-Archiv in der Nationalbibliothek Israels (lizenzfrei) Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Berliner Geschichte(n) kompakt Berliner Geschichte(n) kompakt Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Berliner Geschichte(n) kompakt In the book “The Scholems”, Jay H. Geller examines the history of this German-Jewish family and their experiences in Berlin in the 19th and 20th centuries. This evening, the historian will speak about the family’s place in Berlin and German history and will… Lire la suite Emplacement Museum Ephraim-Palais Museum Ephraim-Palais Heure 18:00 – 19:30 https://www.stadtmuseum.de/veranstaltungen/die-scholems-geschichte-einer-deutsch-juedischen-familie
Workshop © Grimms Garten GbR Workshop 26.03.2025 + 2 additional dates Flower Ring (Dryflowers) Flower Ring (Dryflowers) Workshop 26.03.2025 + 2 additional dates Flower Ring (Dryflowers) Dried flower wreaths are not only very trendy. As a must-have among wall decorations in the boho style, interior design seems hardly possible without this floral element. Lire la suite Emplacement Grimms Garten Grimms Garten Heure 18:00 – 20:30 https://www.grimms-garten.com/products/trockenblumen-ring
Lectures & Readings © visitBerlin, GRAFIK MFS Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Aperitif and guided tour: Poetics of Transition Aperitif and guided tour: Poetics of Transition Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Aperitif and guided tour: Poetics of Transition After a little refreshment, the two art historians Katharina Seifert and Claudia Wasow-Kania will talk to the artists present about the positions in the exhibition during a tour of the exhibition "Poetics of Transition" in the GalerieETAGE. Lire la suite Free of charge Contemporary Art Emplacement Heimatmuseum Reinickendorf Heimatmuseum Reinickendorf Heure 18:30 – 20:30 http://kunst-reinickendorf.de
Lecture © SPB / Foto: Natalie Toczek Lecture 26.03.2025 + 62 additional dates Sternstunde Sternstunde Lecture 26.03.2025 + 62 additional dates Sternstunde It's time for a tour of the universe! Learn about the objects and constellations you can currently see in the Berlin sky, and then fly out into space: past the planets of the solar system and across the stars closest to us. We finally leave our Milky Way, the… Lire la suite science Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 18:30 http://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/sternstunde
Reading © Tobias Koch / Suhrkamp Verlag Reading 26.03.2025 "Faulty Debates" in Berlin "Faulty Debates" in Berlin Reading 26.03.2025 "Faulty Debates" in Berlin In their book ‘Faulty debates. Why we need to argue better as a society’, Julia Reuschenbach and Korbinian Frenzel analyse the current culture of debate in Germany. Lire la suite Literature Politics & Society Emplacement Konrad-Adenauer-Forum Konrad-Adenauer-Forum Heure 19:00 https://adenauerhaus.de/besuch/berlin
Films © visitBerlin, Illustration Jim Avignon Films 26.03.2025 – 31.12.2025 Meet Polish Cinema Meet Polish Cinema Films 26.03.2025 – 31.12.2025 Meet Polish Cinema Film series at the City-Kino Wedding with introductions followed by expert discussions. Lire la suite International Film events in Berlin Emplacement City Kino Wedding City Kino Wedding Müllerstraße 74 13349 Berlin Heure 19:00 https://instytutpolski.pl/berlin/2025/03/12/meet-polish-cinema-2025-vol-1/ Acheter les billets
Lectures & Readings © Heike Overberg Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 READING AND TALK | Radical Beauty READING AND TALK | Radical Beauty Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 READING AND TALK | Radical Beauty The internationally renowned actress Angela Winkler and her daughter Nele Winkler, an actress at the RambaZamba Theater, read from Erich Kästner’s novel “The Conference of the Animals” and discuss their lives on and off the stage. Lire la suite Literature Emplacement f³ – freiraum für fotografie f³ – freiraum für fotografie Heure 19:00 https://fhochdrei.org/event/lesung-und-gespraech/
Films © KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Foto: Fette Sans Films 26.03.2025 Screening Miloš Trakilović and Šejla Kamerić Screening Miloš Trakilović and Šejla Kamerić Films 26.03.2025 Screening Miloš Trakilović and Šejla Kamerić In conjunction with Miloš Trakilović’s exhibition, KW presents a screening of two works: Trakilović’s Colorless Green Freedoms Sleep Furiously and 1395 Days Without Red, by Šejla Kamerić in collaboration with Anri Sala and Ari Benjamin Meyers. Lire la suite Film events in Berlin Emplacement KW - Institute for Contemporary Art KW - Institute for Contemporary Art Heure 19:00 https://www.kw-berlin.de/milos-trakilovic-screening/
Films © Konstantinos Kamperis Films 26.03.2025 – 30.03.2025 10th GREEK FILM FESTIVAL 10th GREEK FILM FESTIVAL Films 26.03.2025 – 30.03.2025 10th GREEK FILM FESTIVAL The 10th Greek Film Festival in Berlin will take place from 26 to 30 March 2025 at the Babylon in Mitte. Lire la suite Film events in Berlin International Emplacement Babylon Babylon Rosa-Luxemburg-Straße 30 10178 Berlin Heure 19:30 https://thegreekfilmfestivalinberlin.com/de/
Reading © tic / Detlef Fleischer Reading 26.03.2025 Das Meer ist so blau wie der Himmel (The sea is as blue as the sky) Das Meer ist so blau wie der Himmel (The sea is as blue as the sky) Reading 26.03.2025 Das Meer ist so blau wie der Himmel (The sea is as blue as the sky) Stella suffers from a mysterious oversensitivity that makes her empathize with the pain and injuries of strangers. As a result, she has become increasingly withdrawn and, in a now uneventful life, obtains emotions second-hand through the consumption of series… Lire la suite Literature Berlin's neighbourhoods Emplacement BUCHBOX! BUCHBOX! Kiezbuchhandlung Kastanienallee 97 10435 Berlin Heure 20:00 https://www.buchboxberlin.de/veranstaltungen Acheter les billets
Reading © Nina Maul Reading 26.03.2025 NOTES OF BERLIN NOTES OF BERLIN Reading 26.03.2025 NOTES OF BERLIN "Budgie escaped - color doesn't matter": Joab Nist has been collecting these and other bizarre note messages for many years in Berlin and founded his collection NOTES OF BERLIN on 10.10.2010, now one of the most read blogs in this country with over 500,000… Lire la suite On Tour Emplacement Tipi am Kanzleramt Tipi am Kanzleramt Heure 20:00 https://www.tipi-am-kanzleramt.de/de/programm/programmuebersicht/notes-of-berlin.html Acheter les billets
Lectures & Readings © visitBerlin, Foto Max Threlfall Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Parole Text:Buch • Sie wartet, aber sie weiß nicht, auf wen - Roland Schimmelpfennig • Moderation: Sascha Michel (Lektor) Parole Text:Buch • Sie wartet, aber sie weiß nicht, auf wen - Roland Schimmelpfennig • Moderation: Sascha Michel (Lektor) Lectures & Readings 26.03.2025 Parole Text:Buch • Sie wartet, aber sie weiß nicht, auf wen - Roland Schimmelpfennig • Moderation: Sascha Michel (Lektor) Night café, reading zone, reading stage, literature - and today the slogan Text:Book: For 30 years, this format has been dedicated to the written word in the Red Salon of the Volksbühne on Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz. Lire la suite Emplacement Volksbühne - Roter Salon Volksbühne - Roter Salon Heure 20:00 – 22:00 https://www.volksbuehne.berlin/#/de/veranstaltungen/parole-textbuch-sie-wartet-aber-sie-weiss-nicht-auf-wen Acheter les billets
Reading © Berliner Zeitung Paulus Ponizak Reading 26.03.2025 Torsten Harmsen: Nazi and Communist. Two German Lives Torsten Harmsen: Nazi and Communist. Two German Lives Reading 26.03.2025 Torsten Harmsen: Nazi and Communist. Two German Lives How do people decide which path they take in life, whether they end up on the "right" or "wrong" side? What role do origins and ideologies play in this? And is there even "good" and "evil"? These questions are very current. But they were also asked 90 years… Lire la suite On Tour History of National Socialism Literature Emplacement Pfefferberg - Theater Pfefferberg - Theater Heure 20:00 Acheter les billets
Lecture © NASA EPIC Team Lecture 27.03.2025 + 27 additional dates Raumschiff Erde Raumschiff Erde Lecture 27.03.2025 + 27 additional dates Raumschiff Erde With a countdown, the planetarium spaceship takes off and the audience hurtles into space. Who has ever seen from space how the earth flies around the sun? Here, the audience gets to know the sunlit day side of the Earth as well as the dark night side with the… Lire la suite science Children Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 09:30 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/raumschiff-erde
Lectures & Readings © NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute Lectures & Readings 27.03.2025 + 1 additional date Mit Raketen zu Planeten Mit Raketen zu Planeten Lectures & Readings 27.03.2025 + 1 additional date Mit Raketen zu Planeten Join an exciting adventure trip to the eight planets of the solar system! In addition to tiny Mercury and red-hot Venus, you will also get to know Mars and find out why it is called the red planet. The space tour continues to the giant planets: Jupiter with… Lire la suite Emplacement Archenhold-Sternwarte Archenhold-Sternwarte Heure 11:00 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/mit-raketen-zu-planeten
Films © NSC Creative Films 27.03.2025 + 2 additional dates The great solar system adventure The great solar system adventure Films 27.03.2025 + 2 additional dates The great solar system adventure From 6 March, the Stiftung Planetarium Berlin presents ‘The Great Adventure Journey through the Solar System’, an award-winning English fulldome production by NSC Creative, at the Zeiss-Großplanetarium. Lire la suite Children Teenager science Emplacement Zeiss-Großplanetarium Zeiss-Großplanetarium Heure 11:00 https://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/abenteuerreise-durchs-sonnensystem
Top événement Lecture © Lukas Beck Top événement Lecture 27.03.2025 Studio 9. The Day with Josef Hader. Deutschlandfunk Kultur - live from the Humboldt Forum Studio 9. The Day with Josef Hader. Deutschlandfunk Kultur - live from the Humboldt Forum Top événement Lecture 27.03.2025 Studio 9. The Day with Josef Hader. Deutschlandfunk Kultur - live from the Humboldt Forum For a pretzel, for a word. Deutschlandfunk Kultur invites you to the live radio show from the Humboldt Forum in Berlin. Be there when we welcome a prominent guest from culture, science, media or politics to the Mechanical Arena. Have an engaging conversation… Lire la suite Politics & Society Free of charge Emplacement Humboldt Forum - Foyer Humboldt Forum - Foyer Heure 11:50 – 13:00 https://www.humboldtforum.org/en/programm/event-reihe/talk/studio-9-der-tag-mit-57997/
Workshop © Koreanisches Kulturzentrum Workshop 27.03.2025 + 3 additional dates Cookery courses at the Korean Cultural Centre Cookery courses at the Korean Cultural Centre Workshop 27.03.2025 + 3 additional dates Cookery courses at the Korean Cultural Centre From 27 to 28 March, the Korean Cultural Centre's cookery courses are back after a short winter break. Lire la suite Events for foodies International Emplacement Koreanisches Kulturzentrum Berlin Koreanisches Kulturzentrum Berlin Heure 12:00 https://germany.korean-culture.org/de/1517/board/1185/read/136147
Lectures & Readings © Bild © NASA, ESA, K. Kuntz (JHU), F. Bresolin (University of Hawaii), J. Trauger (Jet Propulsion Lab), J. Mould (NOAO), Y.-H. Chu (University of Illinois, Urbana) and STScI Lectures & Readings 27.03.2025 + 3 additional dates Sternstunde Sternstunde Lectures & Readings 27.03.2025 + 3 additional dates Sternstunde It's time for a tour of the universe! They fly out into space and get closer to the objects and constellations that can currently be seen in the Berlin sky. Past the planets of the solar system and the stars closest to us, you leave the Milky Way and, after a… Lire la suite Emplacement Archenhold-Sternwarte Archenhold-Sternwarte Heure 12:30 http://www.planetarium.berlin/veranstaltungen/sternstunde
Workshop © Bild: Jens Nordmann Workshop 27.03.2025 + 4 additional dates Digital Cafe Digital Cafe Workshop 27.03.2025 + 4 additional dates Digital Cafe Casual Exchange on the Topic of Digitalization. In the Digital Café, we will discuss questions, concerns, and experiences related to the digital world in a relaxed atmosphere. Lire la suite Digital offers and live streams Free of charge Emplacement Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek Janusz-Korczak-Bibliothek Heure 14:00 https://www.berlin.de/stadtbibliothek-pankow/bibliotheken/janusz-korczak-bibliothek/veranstaltungen/