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Top 11 exciting excursion tips

Dive into the adventure - Berlin has countless destinations for you!

Dahlia at Britzer Garten Berlin
Dahlia Fire at Britzer Garten © @FrankSperling

Even if the weather does not always play along, the summer in the capital is always a very special time with a relaxed mood.Now there are many opportunities to discover the city and get to know new places.

You already know it: Berlin is one of the greenest cities in Europe and invites you with numerous parks for walks, sunbathing and also relaxing picnics.At the waters of the city you can meet for a Berliner Weiße or a refreshing swim or take the opportunity to paddle or row. And a visit to one of the palaces is worthwhile even in drizzle and gray skies. Enjoy the many leisure opportunities and let our summer tips inspire you! 

Tip 1: Biesdorf Castle in Marzahn

Schloss Biesdorf in Summer
Schloss Biesdorf in Summer © Fachbereich Kultur Marzahn-Hellersdorf, Foto Karin Scheel

The octagonal tower of the late classicist villa, which is surrounded by an idyllic park, can be seen from afar. It was designed in the style of English landscape gardens and leads you along curved paths alongside priceless, old trees to a small pond and the historic ice cellar. The manor house itself was built in 1868 and has an eventful history behind it. Today, freshly renovated, it is used as an exhibition venue.

Where: Alt-Biesdorf 55, Marzahn
More information about Schloss Biesdorf

Tip 2: Schloss Schönhausen

Schloss Schönhausen
Das Schloss Schönhausen in Pankow © © SPSG, Foto: Leo Seidel

The palace was the summer residence of the Prussian queen for over 50 years.In addition to the magnificent ballroom and the elegant staircase, you can admire the living and representation rooms of the monarch with valuable wallpapers and precious furnishings. The richly stuccoed banqueting hall on the second floor is the only one in Berlin in the original of its time.In the course of time it became the scene of politics and history and the official residence of the GDR president. Afterwards, take a stroll through the beautiful park, through which the Panke River gently splashes, or head to the nearby Mayakovskiring, where the villas of former SED political celebrities are located.

Schloss Schönhausen

Tipp 3: Lake Tegel / Greenwichpromenade 

Greenwichpromenade at lake Tegeler See in Berlin
Greenwichpromenade at lake Tegeler See © visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

The second largest lake in the metropolis attracts you to the north of the city. Lake Tegel has all kinds of entertaining activities for an excursion. Rent a pedal boat and sail over the gentle waves to one of the seven little islands or practice sailing and surfing. Swimming enthusiasts take over the lido on the western shore. If you would prefer to stay dry, it is best to get on one of the steamers and take a round trip. The Greenwich promenade is also a popular destination.

Where: Tegeler See, Reinickendorf

More information about lake Tegel

Tip 4: Teufelsberg

former US listening station Teufelsberg in Berlin
viewing platform of listening station Teufelsberg © visitBerlin, Foto: Martin Gentischer

The infamous Teufelsberg, built from rubble, offers a fantastic view of Berlin and its sights such as the television tower. Once there was a US listening station here, today the remains of the building tell exciting stories. You can visit the site with guided tours of the area. This popular excursion destination is located in Grunewald, where you can discover other exciting highlights.

Where: Teufelsberg, Charlottenburg

More information about the Teufelsberg

Tip 5: Hiking in Berlin: The Havelhöhen Trail

River Havel in Berlin
River Havel © visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

From Grunewald, you can go on a hike that is full of variety. The Havelhöhen Trail leads along the Havel, which has spots where you can cool off in beach areas and secluded hidden bays. So pack your swimsuit in your backpack! When you pass the brick Gothic style Grunewald Tower dating from 1899, you can take a break in the local beer garden or climb the steps to the viewing platform at a height of 36m. Passing the small Schwanenwerder, built with villas, you will reach the Wannsee at the end of the hike. You should definitely visit the lido Wannsee with its white beach!

Where: Havelhöhenwanderweg, Zehlendorf und Charlottenburg

More Tipps about hiking in Berlin and surrounding area

Tip 6: Swimming in Berlin

Children jumping into a lake
Children jumping into a lake © Getty Images, Foto: FatCamera

Swimming in Berlin! This is one of the favourite summer activities of Berlin* residents. White beaches, clear water and idyllic natural swimming spots can be found all over the city in almost every district: from the White Lake in the district of the same name, to the Plötzensee in Wedding, to the Schlachtensee in Zehlendorf and, of course, not to forget: the Wannsee in the south and the Müggelsee in the east of the city.

The Berlin swimming Map

Tip 7: Boat trips across the Berlin lakes

Ausflug zum Wannsee
Ausflug zum Wannsee mit Kindern © visitBerlin, Foto: Thomas Kierok

It is not only steam boats that make their rounds on the Wannsee, a special excursion tip in Berlin is also the BVG ferries. On these line 10 ships you can reach the rural district Alt-Kladow at the normal BVG rate, where you can sit comfortably in the sun in beer gardens and enjoy Berlin specialities such as boulette and curry sausage before a ferry takes you back to the starting point in about 15 minutes.

If you want to be active yourself, just rent a pedal boat or kayak and row across the picturesque lake.

Tickets for boat trips

Tip 8: Citadel & Old town Spandau 

Kolkviertel in old town Spandau in Berlin
Kolkviertel in old town Spandau © visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

A visit to the historic Spandau Citadel is always worthwhile. A special highlight is the bat cellar with its winged inhabitants. Equally worth seeing is the old town of Spandau with its winding alleys. A walk is like a journey back in time.

Citadel Spandau

Tip 9: Stralau Peninsula

riverside path on the Stralau peninsula
riverside path on the Stralau peninsula © visitBerlin, Foto: Arthur F. Selbach

Once a small fishing village in the Friedrichshain district, today the island is a luxurious residential area where you might encounter celebrities. The lakeside path has numerous secluded spots for a picnic with great views of Treptower harbour and Rummelsburg bay. On weekends, the peninsula becomes an Eldorado for joggers. Sailors also like to dock here.

Where: Peninsula Stralau, Friedrichshain

More information about peninsula Stralau

Tip 10: Köpenick: discover the old town and the Müggelsee region

Rathaus (town hall) Köpenick as landmark of Köpenicker Altstadt
town hall Köpenick behind trees © visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

The singer Romano made Köpenick famous with his catchy tune, but the district has always been a good excursion option for Berlin. The old town with its numerous restaurants and café is picturesquely situated on the waterfront. A perfect place for a cosy breakfast before you visit the baroque Köpenick Castle and then set off for Lake Müggelsee with its magnificent water sports facilities. If you'd rather stay ashore, you can hike through the Müggelberge. There you will meet the newly opened Müggel Tower, once a landmark of East Berlin. An insider tip is the romantic settlement of Neu-Venice with its bridges and canals.

More information about Köpenick

Tip 11: Bürgerpark Pankow

Bürgerpark in Pankow: Flowerbed and Pavillon in spring
Bürgerpark in Pankow: Flowerbed and Pavillon in spring © Abdulrahman Barakat, tic

Italian flair awaits you in Bürgerpark Pankow. The public park, built in the style of a Renaissance garden, has a historic gate at the entrance. You can have a picnic on the banks of the Panke or go looking for the aviary with its peacocks and pheasants.

Where: Wilhelm-Kuhr-Straße 9, Pankow

More information about Bürgerpark Pankow

Catrin Linde


lives in Berlin for over 20 years and loves to travel the city. Preferrably by bike, she discovers the most exciting and interesting sides of Berlin. Across the city, across country and also off the beaten track. All posts