The sixth edition of the Month of Photography-Off Berlin will take place from 14 March to 26 April 2025. The festival presents a diverse and contemporary spectrum of photographic works. A particular focus is on the creative examination of portrait photography.
In 2025, the Month of Photography-Off Berlin will shed light on the human being in urban spaces, interpersonal relationships and human existence. In addition, numerous works in the thematic field of ‘Home - Conflict - War’ reflect the current geopolitical situation, especially the threatening situation in Eastern Europe.
As usual, the festival starts shortly after the opening of the European Month of Photography Berlin (EMOP) and adds exciting new perspectives to its programme. In March, visitors will have the opportunity to explore a total of around 135 festival locations in Berlin. In April, the 35 exhibitions of the Monat-Off will continue.
Winners of the Monat-Off Prize 2025
Three outstanding exhibitions were honoured with this year's Monat-Off Prize:
- Koschmieder Gallery: ‘Nothing Personal – The Back Office of War’ by Nikita Teryoshin
- Buchkunst Berlin: ‘Unequal Scenes & Saltworks’ by Johnny Miller
- BBA Gallery: works by Markus Rock, Nora Obergeschwandner, Willi Dorner, Norberto Pezzotta and Roman Manfredi
Participating galleries and project spaces include, among others: & friends gallery, Abteilung für Alles Andere, Atelier für Photographie, BBA Gallery Berlin, Buchkunst Berlin, Galerie Koschmieder, ParisBerlin>fotogroup, world in a room as well as many other inspiring locations in the city.
Audience Award and Social Media
This year, the audience award of the Month Off will again be determined via the Instagram account @monatderfotografieoffberlin. Instagram highlights also provide impressions of past festival editions.
About the organisers
The sixth edition of the off-photography festival is once again being organised in cooperation between ParisBerlin>fotogroup and world in a room. ParisBerlin>fotogroup is a platform founded by curator Christel Boget to promote contemporary photography in Europe. For 20 years, the non-profit organisation has been presenting artistic works in the form of screenings, exhibitions and publications. world in a room is a project space specialising in the promotion of contemporary photography. Under the direction of Horst Schönig, thematically oriented photographic works are presented here and the mediation of photography is actively promoted.