Jewcy Movies
Jewcy Movies is a film festival showing the latest films across all genres, from blockbusters and comedies to art house cinema. The six-day international film programme showcases the diverse and vibrant Jewish cultural scene and provides an extraordinary insight into Jewish life around the world.
This year, the 31st JFBB will take place from 6 to 11 May in Berlin, Potsdam and other cities in the state of Brandenburg.
The focus is on the two competitions for feature films and documentaries. The programme is complemented by short films and thematic film series, which this year, among other things, take a closer look at anti-Semitism under socialism and the film country of Argentina.
The JFBB tells forgotten stories and shows the different perspectives of Jewish filmmakers. It keeps the memory of the Shoa alive and takes a strong stand against anti-Semitism. After almost every film, exciting discussions with international filmmakers invite an exchange of ideas, and panels with experts enrich the festival programme.
The patron of the Jewish Film Festival Berlin Brandenburg is Claudia Roth, Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media.
- Filmkunst 66
- Moviemento
- Bundesplatz-Kino
- Kino Krokodil
- Open Air Kino Central
- Thalia Programmkino
- Filmmuseum Potsdam