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Top 11 autumn tips for families and children

Great ideas for the autumn days in Berlin

Family on an autumn outing in Berlin
Family on an autumn outing in Berlin ©, Foto: Sam Edwards

Berlin in autumn with the family: We have selected a variety of activities in Berlin for you, which are possible at this time of year. 

Whether it's out in the fresh air, at exciting events that take you to the land of magic and magicians or into the future, our tips for your stay in Berlin have something for the whole family.

Tip 1: Kite flying

Drachensteigen im Freizeitpark Lübars
© visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

Autumn without kite flying? No such thing. Now that the leaves are slowly falling from the trees and the days are getting shorter and shorter, you should still take advantage of the last rays of sun and the weather outside. What could be better than kite flying. On the Tempelhofer Feld you can even watch kite surfers. Another popular place for families is the Drachenberg, right next to the Teufelsberg.

Feel free to visit our 11 kite flying hotspots and find the perfect spot.

Tempelhofer Feld

Tip 2: Visit the Tierpark and Zoo Berlin

Giraffes in the Tierpark Berlin
Giraffes in the Tierpark Berlin © Tierpark Berlin

Ticktes for Zoo, Aquarium and Tierpark Berlin

Tip 3:  Crazy times at the FEZ

Ausflug in die Wuhlheide und FEZ
© visitBerlin, Foto: Thomas Kierok

FEZ Wuhlheide offers the perfect leisure activities for children aged 5 and up. Whether it's theatre on the Astrid Lindgren stage, a visit to the Alice Museum or the orbitall (from eight years), where you can prepare for a flight like astronauts, there are many exciting options at the FEZ for a great family experience. The indoor swimming pool has also reopened for autumn.

Where: An der Wuhlheide 197, Treptow-Köpenick

FEZ Wuhlheide

Tip 4: Swimming and Wellness 

Badespaß im Schwimmbad
© Getty Images, Foto: Imgorthand

What could be nicer when it gets grey and cool outside than diving into the warm water? Treat yourself to a break from everyday life and find the right opportunity for a relaxing wellness or swimming afternoon in Berlin. Currently not all spas are open and there are also restrictions in the sauna area. However, dry saunas are open, as are many swimming pools. If you prefer to get your energy up, you should check out the outdoor activities.

The most beautiful swimming pools in Berlin

Tip 5: Parks and gardens in Berlin

Herbstlicher Ausflug an Tegeler See und Greenwichpromenade
© visitBerlin, Foto: Dagmar Schwelle

You want to go out into the countryside and fresh air? The city of Berlin is greener than you think. You can discover numerous parks, gardens and palaces. For jogging, walking or picnicking, almost every green space is perfect. Cycle along the Greenwichpromenade along the Tegeler See, or take a look at Berlin's oldest park, the Volkspark Friedrichshain with the famous fairytale fountain. Or visit the park at Charlottenburg Palace, which is considered the largest and most magnificent palace in Berlin.

Parks & Gardens

Tip 6: Museums in Berlin

Alte Nationalgalerie at Museum\
Alte Nationalgalerie at Museum',1920,1280 © Luyue Zhang

Whether art, history or technology: there is something for young and old in Berlin. In the museum village Düppel you can learn more about the life of the people in the 13th century and immerse yourself in the world of magicians, knights and fire-eaters. In autumn, guided tours around the Middle Ages and fairy tales with live speakers are offered. Make magic wands and lanterns or play one of the historical children's games. Let your senses be deceived by the Illuseum, discover the Natural History Museum or take part in one of the family workshops at the National Museums in Berlin.

Museums for children

Tip 7: Plant diversity in the Botanical Volkspark

Botanischer Volkspark Blankenfelde
© Friedel Kantaut, tic

Discover the diversity of species in Berlin's botanical Volkspark. Covering an area of 34 hectares, it contains 6,000 partially endangered plant species for you to explore. The two-kilometre-long circular path shows you the highlights of what was once Berlin's largest school garden. The learning and recreation park not only offers listed garden art, but also a tropical house with a café (currently the food is available to take away).

Where: Blankenfelder Chaussee 5, Pankow

Botanical Volkspark Blankenfelde

Tip 8: Berlin from above

View over Berlin at sunset
View over Berlin from Panoramapunkt © Panoramapunkt

Enjoy the view over Berlin in an autumnal evening atmosphere. From several vantage points of many famous sights you have an incredible view over our capital and can take fantastic pictures.


Tip 9: Flea markets

Grammophone at flea market
Grammophone at flea market © Getty Images, Foto: ilbusca

If you're in the mood for rummaging, Berlin's weekend flea markets are just the thing for you. There you will find an unbelievable variety and you can get bargains everywhere. We have listed our top 11 flea markets in Berlin for you.

Top 11 flea markets in Berlin

Tip 10: Indoorsurfing in Wellenwerk Berlin

Surfer im Wellenwerk Berlin
© Wellenwerk, Foto: Julius Niehus

You want to really let off steam? Then go surfing? At the Wellenwerk in Berlin. There you can catch any wave at temperatures of 26° Celsius. Whether you're a beginner, advanced or professional surfer - with a wide range of courses, there's something for everyone.

Where: Landsberger Allee 270, Lichtenberg

Wellenwerk Berlin

Tip 11: Hiking

Lake Wannsee in Berlin
Lake Wannsee in Autumn © visitberlin, Foto: Wolfgang Scholvien

Who doesn't think of forest walks in autumn, with beautiful sunshine and rustling leaves under your feet. Fortunately, Berlin has that to offer. So that you don't have to watch the last longer days only from the window, we have picked out a few nice places for you to walk or jog, or just to suit the season.

Hiking in Berlin and surrounding area

You can find more events in Berlin in our event calender.