Parc de Glienicke et la Pfaueninsel (île aux Paons)
Sentiers romantiques le long de la Havel
Disponible à nouveau à partir du 27 juin. L'excursion au Parc Glienicke et à la Pfaueninseln commence au terminus de la ligne de bus 218. Un restaurant avec une terrasse donnant sur la rivière Havel se trouve à côté de l'arrêt. De là, un ferry vous emmène vers la romantique Pfaueninseln. Un château, des paons, des fontaines et des sentiers sinueux plongent les visiteurs dans un monde de conte de fées.
From there a ferry takes you to the romantic Pfaueninseln. A castle, peacocks, fountains and winding paths plunge visitors into a fairytale world. For longer walks and hikes, the road from the site can be used. If you follow it, you arrive along the shore in Potsdam. The trail is suitable for strollers, cyclists and walks, if you want to enjoy the good weather, nature and the view of the water. If you want more diversity, turn left after a short distance on the paved road and climb into the forest. This path leads to the Church of St. Peter and Paul, which was built in the Russian style. Further on, the path joins the tarmac road and you will soon see a welcoming inn where you can take a break. From there, you have the choice to go south, either along the shore, at Märchenteich pond or by crossing the public park. Then you can see theGlienicke Castle shed and the Glienicke and Potsdam hunting lodge are accessible via the legendary Glienicke Bridge.