© Staatsoper Unter den Linden, Foto: Gordon Welters Conciertos en Berlín Los mejores conciertos y espectáculos
© visitBerlin, Foto: Philip Koschel Entradas y actividades sobre la Guerra Fría y el Muro de Berlín Visitas, exposiciones sobre la historia y más
© visitBerlin, Foto: Dirk Mathesius Museos en Berlín Desde la Isla de los Museos hasta el Museo de la RDA
List viewList viewMap viewMap view Contemporary Dance © Foto: Sebastian Bolesch Contemporary Dance 03.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Travelogue I – Twenty to eight Travelogue I – Twenty to eight Contemporary Dance 03.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Travelogue I – Twenty to eight With humor, aggression and sensuality, Sasha Waltz paints a picture of contemporary morals in “Travelogue I – Twenty to eight” that has lost none of its explosiveness and relevance since its premiere in 1993: a dance classic. To this day, the timeless piece… Leer más International Ubicación Radialsystem V Radialsystem V Hora 20:00 https://www.radialsystem.de/de/veranstaltungen/travelogue-i-twenty-to-eight/ Comprar billetes Opera © Bettina Stöß Opera 04.04.2025 + 4 additional dates The Magic Flute The Magic Flute Opera 04.04.2025 + 4 additional dates The Magic Flute Mixing Viennese folk theatre, Masonic mystery and fairy tale, this opera is probably the most performed in the German-speaking world and, in Günter Krämer's colourful, highly visual production, a favourite with the audiences. Leer más City of music Classic music in Berlin Ubicación Deutsche Oper Berlin Deutsche Oper Berlin Hora 19:30 Comprar billetes Contemporary Dance © promo Contemporary Dance 05.04.2025 + 7 additional dates Zeitgeister Zeitgeister Contemporary Dance 05.04.2025 + 7 additional dates Zeitgeister Inspired by the four elements, ZEITGEISTER is a choral piece that divides the different classes into two large groups. The choir forms the moving stage set that frames the individual choreographies of the different dance classes and at the same time guides… Leer más Children Teenager Ubicación DOCK 11 | DOCK ART Theater, DOCK 11 | DOCK ART Theater, Hora 11:00 Comprar billetes Opera © Bettina Stöß Opera 05.04.2025 + 1 additional date Tannhäuser and the Singers' Contest at Wartburg Tannhäuser and the Singers' Contest at Wartburg Opera 05.04.2025 + 1 additional date Tannhäuser and the Singers' Contest at Wartburg Wagner's opera about the Minnesinger torn between earthly and heavenly love is one of the works that has shaped the artistic identity of the house over decades - not least because of the famous Pilgrims' Chorus, which is the showpiece of our chorus. In Kirsten… Leer más International Classic music in Berlin Ubicación Deutsche Oper Berlin Deutsche Oper Berlin Hora 17:00 Comprar billetes Contemporary Dance © Getty Images, Foto: O_Lypa Contemporary Dance 05.04.2025 + 1 additional date Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time Contemporary Dance 05.04.2025 + 1 additional date Once Upon a Time The Off-road Collective invites you on an immersive dance journey that blurs the lines between the digital and real world. Leer más Ubicación Die Weisse Rose Die Weisse Rose Hora 18:30 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/once-upon-a-time-tickets-1266945771909?aff=oddtdtcreator Contemporary Dance © David Beecroft Contemporary Dance 06.04.2025 + 1 additional date us/wir/nous us/wir/nous Contemporary Dance 06.04.2025 + 1 additional date us/wir/nous The interactive performance by Julie Peters and Andreas Pichler is dedicated to the topic of connection and our diverse relationships. Who are we? Who or what determines who WE are and what connects us? Leer más Ubicación Theater o.N. Theater o.N. Hora 16:00 https://www.theater-on.de/inszenierungen/detailseite-repertoire/uswirnous-3/52b7724eb745a359b47d729161ce8181/ Opera © Bettina Stöß Opera 06.04.2025 + 2 additional dates Lohengrin Lohengrin Opera 06.04.2025 + 2 additional dates Lohengrin Soon after the failure of the 1848 revolution, the political refugee Richard Wagner wrote his LOHENGRIN: an opera about a hero who tries in vain to pacify a divided people. Kasper Holten's production deliberately leaves open whether this leader fights by fair… Leer más Repertoire International Classic music in Berlin Easter Ubicación Deutsche Oper Berlin Deutsche Oper Berlin Hora 17:00 Comprar billetes Contemporary Dance © WSG Dance Company vimeo.com Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 Whisper mail - loud dance Whisper mail - loud dance Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 Whisper mail - loud dance A big premiere with passion and discipline: Primary school children from the Walter-Gropius-Schule bring a contemporary dance piece to the stage Leer más Children Ubicación Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt Hora 18:30 Contemporary Dance © Saskia Uppenkamp Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 Jefinho Dias Jefinho Dias Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 Jefinho Dias Jefinho Dias - Concert with accordion, triangle and bass drum, an event by Tomé Forró Berlin Leer más City of music Ubicación Ballhaus Wedding Ballhaus Wedding Hora 19:00 Contemporary Dance © Joanna Chwilkowska Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 2 additional dates LUSH BLAST: Tasting the untamed LUSH BLAST: Tasting the untamed Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 2 additional dates LUSH BLAST: Tasting the untamed Alica Minar and Dorota Michalak's choreography is based on the earth of the Carpathian Mountains. Can dance reconnect us to the land, to the earth, and create intimacy? Leer más International Ubicación DOCK 11 | DOCK ART Theater, DOCK 11 | DOCK ART Theater, Hora 19:30 Comprar billetes Contemporary Dance © Dieter Hartwig Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Kareth Schaffer // Construction Company: Bird Dances Kareth Schaffer // Construction Company: Bird Dances Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Kareth Schaffer // Construction Company: Bird Dances The three-part choreographic work Bird Dances is a bird’s eye reflection on borders, feelings of home, reflections on the climate crisis, and our kaleidoscopic relationship with the natural world: Kareth Schaffer // Construction Company explore migration –… Leer más International Ubicación Sophiensaele - Festsaal Sophiensaele - Festsaal Hora 20:00 https://sophiensaele.com/de/stueck/bird-dances Comprar billetes Contemporary Dance © Zé de Paiva Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 3 additional dates New Growth New Growth Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 3 additional dates New Growth A new message! An interview, casting, first date, second date! How will I wear my hair? How much time do I have? Relax? For whom, who should relax? Inhale, exhale, look in the mirror, take stock. Anticipation? Leer más International Ubicación Ballhaus Naunynstraße Ballhaus Naunynstraße Hora 20:00 Comprar billetes Contemporary Dance © BW Contemporary Dance 11.04.2025 – 12.04.2025 Discofox Night Discofox Night Contemporary Dance 11.04.2025 – 12.04.2025 Discofox Night The best disco fox hits with DJ Teddy. Leer más City of music Ubicación Ballhaus Wedding Ballhaus Wedding Hora 20:00 – 00:00 https://www.ballhauswedding.de/details-registrierung/discofox-nacht-6 Comprar billetes Opera © Thomas Aurin Opera 12.04.2025 + 2 additional dates Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg Opera 12.04.2025 + 2 additional dates Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg The world of MEISTERSINGER is a closed system not only in the master singers' pedantic and by-the-book guild ironised by Wagner, but also in Nuremberg's urban society as a whole: the new – embodied by outsider Walther von Stolzing – cannot bring about… Leer más International City of music Ubicación Deutsche Oper Berlin Deutsche Oper Berlin Hora 16:00 Comprar billetes Opera © Ruth Walz Opera 12.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Parsifal Parsifal Opera 12.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Parsifal The Grail Knights are a brotherhood sworn to strict chastity. They guard two relics that promise salvation and eternal life: the Holy Grail and the Holy Spear. However, after their king Amfortas breaks his vow of chastity with the mysterious Kundry, the spear… Leer más Classic music in Berlin City of music Easter Ubicación Staatsoper Unter den Linden Staatsoper Unter den Linden Hora 16:00 https://www.staatsoper-berlin.de/de/veranstaltungen/parsifal.17/ Comprar billetes Contemporary Dance © Orpheas Emirzas Contemporary Dance 12.04.2025 + 1 additional date Tambourines Tambourines Contemporary Dance 12.04.2025 + 1 additional date Tambourines “If further proof had been needed, ‘Tambourines’ provided it, proof that sensitive, contemporary dance can be the most dazzling expression of the present with a deep effect on the nervous system. Harrell's touching, musical, intellectual, aesthetically simply… Leer más International Ubicación HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU1 HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU1 Hora 20:00 https://www.hebbel-am-ufer.de/programm/pdetail/trajal-harrell-zuerich-dance-ensemble-tambourines Comprar billetes Opera © visitBerlin, Foto Diana Häner Opera 13.04.2025 + 4 additional dates Norma Norma Opera 13.04.2025 + 4 additional dates Norma The will to resist the Roman occupiers is growing among the Galls, and Norma should finally give the sign for an uprising against the oppressor in the name of the god of war. But she hesitates due to a conflict of conscience: despite her vow of chastity, Norma… Leer más City of music Ubicación Staatsoper Unter den Linden Staatsoper Unter den Linden Hora 18:00 https://www.staatsoper-berlin.de/de/veranstaltungen/norma.15538/ Comprar billetes Contemporary Dance © Bossa FM Veranstaltungsservice GbR Contemporary Dance 13.04.2025 Dog Without Feathers (Cão Sem Plumas) - Companhia de Dança Deborah Colker Dog Without Feathers (Cão Sem Plumas) - Companhia de Dança Deborah Colker Contemporary Dance 13.04.2025 Dog Without Feathers (Cão Sem Plumas) - Companhia de Dança Deborah Colker Award-winning Brazilian choreographer Deborah Colker delivers a powerful work blending elements of contemporary, classical and traditional dance, as well as striking images by filmmaker Cláudio Assis, bringing to life the poem Cão Sem Plumas (Dog Without… Leer más On Tour Ubicación Admiralspalast Admiralspalast Hora 20:00 Comprar billetes Opera © Ruth Walz Opera 14.04.2025 OpernSalon - Parsifal OpernSalon - Parsifal Opera 14.04.2025 OpernSalon - Parsifal The joy and supporters of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden are opening the doors of the successful event "OpernSalon mit Elias Corrinth" for the Staatsoper audience: Leer más City of music Ubicación Orchesterprobensaal Orchesterprobensaal Hora 19:00 https://www.staatsoper-berlin.de/de/veranstaltungen/opernsalon-parsifal.18955/ Contemporary Dance © Carlos Quezada Contemporary Dance 14.04.2025 + 4 additional dates 2 Chapters Love 2 Chapters Love Contemporary Dance 14.04.2025 + 4 additional dates 2 Chapters Love In 2 Chapters Love, the works of two leading contemporary choreographers are united during an evening of dance. Sol León and Sharon Eyal are both celebrated stars of the international dance scene. Leer más City of music Easter Whitsun Ubicación Staatsoper Unter den Linden Staatsoper Unter den Linden Hora 19:30 https://www.staatsballett-berlin.de/de/spielplan/2-chapters-love/09-12-2023/1663 Comprar billetes Contemporary Dance © visitBerlin Contemporary Dance 16.04.2025 + 1 additional date The Power (of) The Fragile The Power (of) The Fragile Contemporary Dance 16.04.2025 + 1 additional date The Power (of) The Fragile Latifa has always dreamed of becoming a dancer, but only her son had the opportunity to make dance his profession. After being separated for a long time, mother and son are now reunited in a tender duet. Leer más Ubicación Hebbel am Ufer - HAU2 Hebbel am Ufer - HAU2 Hora 20:00 https://www.hebbel-am-ufer.de/programm/pdetail/mohamed-toukabri-the-power-of-the-fragile Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © Foto: Sebastian Bolesch Contemporary Dance 03.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Travelogue I – Twenty to eight Travelogue I – Twenty to eight Contemporary Dance 03.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Travelogue I – Twenty to eight With humor, aggression and sensuality, Sasha Waltz paints a picture of contemporary morals in “Travelogue I – Twenty to eight” that has lost none of its explosiveness and relevance since its premiere in 1993: a dance classic. To this day, the timeless piece… Leer más International Ubicación Radialsystem V Radialsystem V Hora 20:00 https://www.radialsystem.de/de/veranstaltungen/travelogue-i-twenty-to-eight/ Comprar billetes
Opera © Bettina Stöß Opera 04.04.2025 + 4 additional dates The Magic Flute The Magic Flute Opera 04.04.2025 + 4 additional dates The Magic Flute Mixing Viennese folk theatre, Masonic mystery and fairy tale, this opera is probably the most performed in the German-speaking world and, in Günter Krämer's colourful, highly visual production, a favourite with the audiences. Leer más City of music Classic music in Berlin Ubicación Deutsche Oper Berlin Deutsche Oper Berlin Hora 19:30 Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © promo Contemporary Dance 05.04.2025 + 7 additional dates Zeitgeister Zeitgeister Contemporary Dance 05.04.2025 + 7 additional dates Zeitgeister Inspired by the four elements, ZEITGEISTER is a choral piece that divides the different classes into two large groups. The choir forms the moving stage set that frames the individual choreographies of the different dance classes and at the same time guides… Leer más Children Teenager Ubicación DOCK 11 | DOCK ART Theater, DOCK 11 | DOCK ART Theater, Hora 11:00 Comprar billetes
Opera © Bettina Stöß Opera 05.04.2025 + 1 additional date Tannhäuser and the Singers' Contest at Wartburg Tannhäuser and the Singers' Contest at Wartburg Opera 05.04.2025 + 1 additional date Tannhäuser and the Singers' Contest at Wartburg Wagner's opera about the Minnesinger torn between earthly and heavenly love is one of the works that has shaped the artistic identity of the house over decades - not least because of the famous Pilgrims' Chorus, which is the showpiece of our chorus. In Kirsten… Leer más International Classic music in Berlin Ubicación Deutsche Oper Berlin Deutsche Oper Berlin Hora 17:00 Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © Getty Images, Foto: O_Lypa Contemporary Dance 05.04.2025 + 1 additional date Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time Contemporary Dance 05.04.2025 + 1 additional date Once Upon a Time The Off-road Collective invites you on an immersive dance journey that blurs the lines between the digital and real world. Leer más Ubicación Die Weisse Rose Die Weisse Rose Hora 18:30 https://www.eventbrite.com/e/once-upon-a-time-tickets-1266945771909?aff=oddtdtcreator
Contemporary Dance © David Beecroft Contemporary Dance 06.04.2025 + 1 additional date us/wir/nous us/wir/nous Contemporary Dance 06.04.2025 + 1 additional date us/wir/nous The interactive performance by Julie Peters and Andreas Pichler is dedicated to the topic of connection and our diverse relationships. Who are we? Who or what determines who WE are and what connects us? Leer más Ubicación Theater o.N. Theater o.N. Hora 16:00 https://www.theater-on.de/inszenierungen/detailseite-repertoire/uswirnous-3/52b7724eb745a359b47d729161ce8181/
Opera © Bettina Stöß Opera 06.04.2025 + 2 additional dates Lohengrin Lohengrin Opera 06.04.2025 + 2 additional dates Lohengrin Soon after the failure of the 1848 revolution, the political refugee Richard Wagner wrote his LOHENGRIN: an opera about a hero who tries in vain to pacify a divided people. Kasper Holten's production deliberately leaves open whether this leader fights by fair… Leer más Repertoire International Classic music in Berlin Easter Ubicación Deutsche Oper Berlin Deutsche Oper Berlin Hora 17:00 Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © WSG Dance Company vimeo.com Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 Whisper mail - loud dance Whisper mail - loud dance Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 Whisper mail - loud dance A big premiere with passion and discipline: Primary school children from the Walter-Gropius-Schule bring a contemporary dance piece to the stage Leer más Children Ubicación Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt Gemeinschaftshaus Gropiusstadt Hora 18:30
Contemporary Dance © Saskia Uppenkamp Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 Jefinho Dias Jefinho Dias Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 Jefinho Dias Jefinho Dias - Concert with accordion, triangle and bass drum, an event by Tomé Forró Berlin Leer más City of music Ubicación Ballhaus Wedding Ballhaus Wedding Hora 19:00
Contemporary Dance © Joanna Chwilkowska Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 2 additional dates LUSH BLAST: Tasting the untamed LUSH BLAST: Tasting the untamed Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 2 additional dates LUSH BLAST: Tasting the untamed Alica Minar and Dorota Michalak's choreography is based on the earth of the Carpathian Mountains. Can dance reconnect us to the land, to the earth, and create intimacy? Leer más International Ubicación DOCK 11 | DOCK ART Theater, DOCK 11 | DOCK ART Theater, Hora 19:30 Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © Dieter Hartwig Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Kareth Schaffer // Construction Company: Bird Dances Kareth Schaffer // Construction Company: Bird Dances Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Kareth Schaffer // Construction Company: Bird Dances The three-part choreographic work Bird Dances is a bird’s eye reflection on borders, feelings of home, reflections on the climate crisis, and our kaleidoscopic relationship with the natural world: Kareth Schaffer // Construction Company explore migration –… Leer más International Ubicación Sophiensaele - Festsaal Sophiensaele - Festsaal Hora 20:00 https://sophiensaele.com/de/stueck/bird-dances Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © Zé de Paiva Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 3 additional dates New Growth New Growth Contemporary Dance 10.04.2025 + 3 additional dates New Growth A new message! An interview, casting, first date, second date! How will I wear my hair? How much time do I have? Relax? For whom, who should relax? Inhale, exhale, look in the mirror, take stock. Anticipation? Leer más International Ubicación Ballhaus Naunynstraße Ballhaus Naunynstraße Hora 20:00 Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © BW Contemporary Dance 11.04.2025 – 12.04.2025 Discofox Night Discofox Night Contemporary Dance 11.04.2025 – 12.04.2025 Discofox Night The best disco fox hits with DJ Teddy. Leer más City of music Ubicación Ballhaus Wedding Ballhaus Wedding Hora 20:00 – 00:00 https://www.ballhauswedding.de/details-registrierung/discofox-nacht-6 Comprar billetes
Opera © Thomas Aurin Opera 12.04.2025 + 2 additional dates Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg Opera 12.04.2025 + 2 additional dates Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg The world of MEISTERSINGER is a closed system not only in the master singers' pedantic and by-the-book guild ironised by Wagner, but also in Nuremberg's urban society as a whole: the new – embodied by outsider Walther von Stolzing – cannot bring about… Leer más International City of music Ubicación Deutsche Oper Berlin Deutsche Oper Berlin Hora 16:00 Comprar billetes
Opera © Ruth Walz Opera 12.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Parsifal Parsifal Opera 12.04.2025 + 3 additional dates Parsifal The Grail Knights are a brotherhood sworn to strict chastity. They guard two relics that promise salvation and eternal life: the Holy Grail and the Holy Spear. However, after their king Amfortas breaks his vow of chastity with the mysterious Kundry, the spear… Leer más Classic music in Berlin City of music Easter Ubicación Staatsoper Unter den Linden Staatsoper Unter den Linden Hora 16:00 https://www.staatsoper-berlin.de/de/veranstaltungen/parsifal.17/ Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © Orpheas Emirzas Contemporary Dance 12.04.2025 + 1 additional date Tambourines Tambourines Contemporary Dance 12.04.2025 + 1 additional date Tambourines “If further proof had been needed, ‘Tambourines’ provided it, proof that sensitive, contemporary dance can be the most dazzling expression of the present with a deep effect on the nervous system. Harrell's touching, musical, intellectual, aesthetically simply… Leer más International Ubicación HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU1 HAU Hebbel am Ufer - HAU1 Hora 20:00 https://www.hebbel-am-ufer.de/programm/pdetail/trajal-harrell-zuerich-dance-ensemble-tambourines Comprar billetes
Opera © visitBerlin, Foto Diana Häner Opera 13.04.2025 + 4 additional dates Norma Norma Opera 13.04.2025 + 4 additional dates Norma The will to resist the Roman occupiers is growing among the Galls, and Norma should finally give the sign for an uprising against the oppressor in the name of the god of war. But she hesitates due to a conflict of conscience: despite her vow of chastity, Norma… Leer más City of music Ubicación Staatsoper Unter den Linden Staatsoper Unter den Linden Hora 18:00 https://www.staatsoper-berlin.de/de/veranstaltungen/norma.15538/ Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © Bossa FM Veranstaltungsservice GbR Contemporary Dance 13.04.2025 Dog Without Feathers (Cão Sem Plumas) - Companhia de Dança Deborah Colker Dog Without Feathers (Cão Sem Plumas) - Companhia de Dança Deborah Colker Contemporary Dance 13.04.2025 Dog Without Feathers (Cão Sem Plumas) - Companhia de Dança Deborah Colker Award-winning Brazilian choreographer Deborah Colker delivers a powerful work blending elements of contemporary, classical and traditional dance, as well as striking images by filmmaker Cláudio Assis, bringing to life the poem Cão Sem Plumas (Dog Without… Leer más On Tour Ubicación Admiralspalast Admiralspalast Hora 20:00 Comprar billetes
Opera © Ruth Walz Opera 14.04.2025 OpernSalon - Parsifal OpernSalon - Parsifal Opera 14.04.2025 OpernSalon - Parsifal The joy and supporters of the Staatsoper Unter den Linden are opening the doors of the successful event "OpernSalon mit Elias Corrinth" for the Staatsoper audience: Leer más City of music Ubicación Orchesterprobensaal Orchesterprobensaal Hora 19:00 https://www.staatsoper-berlin.de/de/veranstaltungen/opernsalon-parsifal.18955/
Contemporary Dance © Carlos Quezada Contemporary Dance 14.04.2025 + 4 additional dates 2 Chapters Love 2 Chapters Love Contemporary Dance 14.04.2025 + 4 additional dates 2 Chapters Love In 2 Chapters Love, the works of two leading contemporary choreographers are united during an evening of dance. Sol León and Sharon Eyal are both celebrated stars of the international dance scene. Leer más City of music Easter Whitsun Ubicación Staatsoper Unter den Linden Staatsoper Unter den Linden Hora 19:30 https://www.staatsballett-berlin.de/de/spielplan/2-chapters-love/09-12-2023/1663 Comprar billetes
Contemporary Dance © visitBerlin Contemporary Dance 16.04.2025 + 1 additional date The Power (of) The Fragile The Power (of) The Fragile Contemporary Dance 16.04.2025 + 1 additional date The Power (of) The Fragile Latifa has always dreamed of becoming a dancer, but only her son had the opportunity to make dance his profession. After being separated for a long time, mother and son are now reunited in a tender duet. Leer más Ubicación Hebbel am Ufer - HAU2 Hebbel am Ufer - HAU2 Hora 20:00 https://www.hebbel-am-ufer.de/programm/pdetail/mohamed-toukabri-the-power-of-the-fragile Comprar billetes