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Panorama of Humboldt Forum and Berlin Cathedral
Humboldt Forum and Berlin Cathedral © visitBerlin, Foto: Mo Wüstenhagen

Schinkel Pavillon

Contemporary Sculpture and installations

The Schinkel Pavillon stands along the Unter den Linden boulevard in the heart of Berlin-Mitte in the garden of the so called Kronprinzenpalais (Crown Prince's Palace).

The former Kronprinzenpalais became home to the Galerie der Lebenden (Gallery of Living Artists) in 1919, after the end of the monarchy. The gallery showed works from the painters of the Expressionist and the Dresden-based Brücke movements. After the Nazi party seized power in 1933, the gallery was abruptly closed and the paintings were declared "degenerate art" or even burned. The building was then completely destroyed in Second World War. During the GDR era, the structure was then rebuilt by the Bauhaus architect Richard Paulick in 1968 as the official guesthouse of the city of Berlin. The garden building stood empty for nearly twenty years before its renascence as an exhibition space. On display here are contemporary sculptures, installations, and media art by well-known artists such as Anselm Reyle, Sylvie Fleury, Isa Genzken, Mike Kelley, and Thomas Scheibitz.

Opening hours (additional information)

Thursdays and Fridays 14:00 - 19:00 
Saturdays and Sundays 11:00 - 19:00