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Popkornditorei Knalle
Exterior view of the Popkornditorei Knalle © Popkornditorei Knalle GmbH

Popkornditorei Knalle

Brightly coloured popcorn in innovative flavours

The handmade Knalle Popcorn is more than just popcorn. The Berlin manufactory puts a lot of love into the production - and many creative ideas that have given rise to numerous flavours.

Unlike conventional popcorn, Knalle Popcorn is made by first popping high-quality mushroom popcorn corn with hot air until it is fat-free. Then a delicious coating is added, for instance in the flavours peanut butter-salted caramel, butter caramel-Tahitian vanilla or tonka bean-coconut. The popcorn is then baked once more to make it really crunchy on the outside. 

Only then is it carefully filled into the handy snack bags, where it stays fresh for a long time. What is remarkable is that this is all done in social institutions for people with disabilities. In addition, the Knalle Popcorn factory fulfils its social and ecological responsibility by adopting climate-neutral production methods. In the shop on Raumerstraße, nearby Helmholtzplatz, you can discover the tempting variety of this creatively crafted popcorn for yourself.

Production of popcorn in the Popkornditorei Knalle
Production of popcorn in the Popkornditorei Knalle © Popkornditorei Knalle GmbH, Fotografin: Sophie Weise-Meißner • Ganz in Weise