Gretel and
Kasper want to get married. Also Prince Flitz Pipe wants to marry Gretel. So
the king issues the order: Who accomplishes a heroic deed and catches the
crocodile may marry Gretel.
Kasper want to get married. Also Prince Flitz Pipe wants to marry Gretel. So
the king issues the order: Who accomplishes a heroic deed and catches the
crocodile may marry Gretel.
But Kasper and the crocodile become friends and outwit the common prince together. So it comes as it must come, Gretel and Kasper get married and live happily ever after.
- Director:
Harald Preuss
- Set: Barbara & Günter Weinhold
- Music: Ulli-Max Baum
- Stage
design: Jens Arnold
A production of the Puppet Theatre Felicio, Karsten-Toni Ackermann
Ticket reservation
Phone: 030/ 446 73 530
(Program in German)