Every year again ... HOLY ESCHSCHLORAQUE calls the Christmas and New Year's programme by its name. This year, it also symbolises and stands in solidarity with Berlin's cultural and creative scene, which is sacred to us all!
Holy Eschschloraque is also raising its voice in favour of the (free) space that art needs.
While the artists' club, together with Haus Schwarzenberg, offers a lively echo of an anarchic time and the preservation of a creative production site in the here and now, such free spaces are no longer a matter of course. With our ‘holiday greeting’, we gratefully look back on a year full of art and culture at Eschschloraque: to name just a few examples, free space also means offering artists a creative platform for self-realisation, such as the dance and performance series Bande á Part - Danceable Event for Outsiders, which has been running for over a decade; or helping to shape the musical underground and making it tangible, for example with resident DJ MissVergnügen and her weekly programme, which also regularly presents concerts.
It is a forum in which artistic visions are shared, lived and celebrated, as we were able to experience in 2024 at the queer-feminist summer festival United Feminist Sounds in cooperation with the exhibiting artists of Galerie neurotitan. This review is also symbolic - for ALL acts, DJs, performers, artists and cultural workers who tirelessly enrich the creative diversity on site or support it through their work!
To round off the year, Holy Eschschloraque invites you to selected DJ sets, traditional and new parties. Whether it's Christmas or not, it also stands for experiencing our events with you, from dance and performance to DJ sets and live acts - for the preservation of artistic freedom.
Tuesday, 24.12.202
Open from 9 pm! DJs Ed2000, Vela & Power Tulip
Wednesday, 25.12.2024
- the artist club remains closed -
Thursday, 26.12.2024
from 2 pm // Coffee bar & cocktail bar
Friday, 27.12.2024
from 2 pm // Coffee & cocktail bar
from 9 pm // SKEW - DJs: Cmba, Courtroom Drama, Gobetti
27.12.2024: https://www.eschschloraque.de/skew-27122024
Opening hours
Every day from 2 pm, except: 24.12. from 9 pm | 25.12. closed | 26.12. from 2 pm
31.12. from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. | 01.01. from 2 p.m.