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Muskauer Park

At the point where Lower Lusatia separates Saxony from Brandenburg lies a spectacle of nature that remains largely intact in the heart of spacious grounds – Muskauer Park, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This artistically formed landscape set on either side of the River Neisse was created by Prince Hermann Ludwig Heinrich von Pückler-Muskau (1785-1871). Shortly after inheriting his father's estate in 1811, he came up with the idea of creating park around the town of Bad Muskau and the New Palace, where he was born and went on to live. In addition to the house where he was born, this was to include the Old Palace, Berg church ruins dating from the 14th century and the ancient garden palais.

From the market, you can take the old town entrance into the park and up to the Old Palace. The simple two-storey building, constructed as a moated castle in 1361 and later used by the royal court, now houses the local register office and Bad Muskau Tourist Information. The front of the former Amtshaus is adorned with the double coat of arms of Dohna/Callenberg in the form of a colourful Renaissance relief. Lined by mighty plane trees and red oaks from Pückler's days, the road runs past the beautiful archway to Kirchplatz square right to Karpfenbrücke bridge. If you carry on walking, you come to the palace lawns, home to an almost 200-year-old copper beech tree at the foot of the approach to the palace.