Landschaftspark Herzberge
Green heart in a industrial area
Landschaftspark Herzberge is a green spot in Lichtenberg.
This was once a place where freight trains were shunted, and for many years, it was the site of the East German youth organisation’s summer camp. Initiated in 2004 by an East German agricultural society and the district of Lichtenberg, this park, with its woodland sheep pastures, orchards and biotopes, combines local recreation, agricultural use and nature conservation.
Ponds and pools over an area covering 100 hectares provide a habitat for frogs, toads, newts and grass snakes. In summer 2009, 35 Pomeranian sheep were introduced. The ewes with their lambs, a highlight for children, can now been seen grazing over almost 20 hectares of pasture land. This inner-city grazing as an alternative to traditional green space management together with local recreation amenities has been widely recognised as a model. As part of the »Germany – Land of Ideas«, this park was recognised as a special place in 2010.