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Kammergericht in Babylon Berlin

Young Manu Seeger visits her father in the Berlin Court of Appeal.

Her father is the very highest "Oberbefehlswilhelm" and she should finally be let in, the young lady at the foot of the impressive staircase impatiently demands. Instead of a signature, she leaves the guard of the Reichswehr Ministry a stick figure in the documents. Manu Seegers, a convinced communist, thinks nothing of the military posturing in the ministry that her father, Major General Seegers, heads. This scene in the third season of Babylon Berlin is filmed in the Kammergericht in Schöneberg. The Kammergericht, which opened in 1913, is one of the many preserved Berlin courts and municipal administrative buildings from the imperial era.

The show trials against the conspirators of 20 July 1944 took place here, and the Allied Control Council met here after the war. The foyer with its grand staircase is particularly impressive. A date board with English, French and Russian inscriptions commemorates the era of the Allied Control Council. Understandably, these cannot be seen in Babylon Berlin. The historic plenary hall can be visited, the entrance is via Heinrich-von-Kleist-Park on Potsdamer Straße. This is where, later in the series, the emancipated Manu Seegers stands and refuses her father's offer to take her by car: She prefers to ride a bicycle.