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The photographs on display were created as part of a photo project by German-Ukrainian artist Masha Pryven with young Ukrainians.  They use self-staged photos to communicate their experiences of fleeing and making a new start in Berlin. They also react to the political debate in German society about the war.

Since the Russian attack on Ukraine, over 1 million refugees have been accommodated in Germany, including around 300,000 minors. In 2022, Masha Pryven, a Ukrainian-German artist, started the photo project with young Ukrainians.

These young people have now been living in Berlin for more than two years. The focus of the discussions in this group has changed and is now also directed at German society: Who is tired of this war? What does pacifism mean for the Ukrainians?

The participants discuss these questions and create artistic reflections on them.

in cooperation with Ratskeller Gallery, Berlin
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