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Under the motto "Choosing Humanity", the Human Rights Film Festival Berlin (HRFFB) will be showing over 40 international documentaries from 4 to 12 October 2024. They deal with the current challenges facing democracy and human rights worldwide. Audiences can expect intensive days of films, talks and the first-ever Human Rights Action format.

The HRFFB is regarded as the most important German human rights film festival with international appeal.

The HRFFB shows films from all over the world that tell of human rights violations and the resistance against them in an impressive way.

With a comprehensive accompanying programme, the festival also offers a unique platform for exchange and networking between NGOs, filmmakers, activists, politicians and the public. Prominent human rights activists, politicians and artists such as Ai Weiwei, Nadia Murad, Filippo Grandi, Loujain al-Hathloul, Gesine Schwan and Enissa Amani have been patrons of the festival in recent years.

This year's HRFFB programme includes over 40 documentary films.

Among the numerous award-winning international documentaries are ten films that are in the running for the Willy Brandt Documentary Film Prize for Freedom and Human Rights. As in previous years, this prestigious prize is organised by the Federal Chancellor Willy Brandt Foundation and awarded by an international jury.

"Films have the power to draw attention to grievances, move people and provide impetus for a better world. This year, together with Reporters Without Borders, we want to take a constructive look into the future. Because at a time when the world is threatening to fall apart at the seams, decisive action in favour of democracy and human rights, freedom of the press and freedom of opinion is more important than ever. The HRFFB stands for this like no other festival in Germany," says Friedrich-Rust.

Jan Sebastian Friedrich-Rust and Lydia Spiesberger are the new management duo of the HRFFB.
Friedrich-Rust, founder of the festival and film expert as well as political director of Action Against Hunger, will take over the strategic direction. At his side is Lydia Spiesberger, who is responsible for operational management. She has accompanied the festival from the very beginning as head of the development education programme. Together they are responsible for the overall programme. The management duo will be supported by Sirkka Möller in selecting the film programme. Möller is an internationally renowned curator.


  • 4 October 2024 - Cinema in the KulturBrauerei (Schönhauser Allee 36, 10435 Berlin)

Award ceremony:

  • 11 October 2024 - Cinema in the KulturBrauerei

The HRFFB 2024 is organised by Action Against Hunger in partnership with Reporters Without Borders, which campaigns for freedom of the press and information worldwide.
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