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heimaten - 2024 to end 2027

The project, initiated by HKW and co-curators Ibou Coulibaly Diop and Max Czollek, understands the very German word ‘Heimat’ in the plural and as a verb – as a diverse process that is never complete and cannot be appropriated. heimaten, used as a verb, derives from Heimat—meaning home or homeland—and is something that is actively shaped and thereby constantly recreated.

The programme is set to run until the end of 2027 and includes a conference, a series of talks and podcasts, publications and the creation of a dedicated network.

heimaten means recognising the realities of a pluralistic society, critically questioning them and actively shaping them.

Deberllinisation Conference

At the end of April (25–27 April 2025) – 140 years after the so-called Berlin Conference of 1884/1885, which was decisive for the exploitation and arbitrary division of the African continent by the colonial powers – the Deberllinisation Conference will take place as part of heimaten at HKW.
Based on a concept by the artist Mansour Ciss Kanakassy, it will address the question of how decolonisation can be specified and implemented in concrete terms.
Musicians, poets, activists, scholars and practitioners from various disciplines will come together to discuss the concept of deberlinisation and its cultural, political, economic and social implications.

Discussion series Heimatization

The discussion series Heimatization will also take place from March to December 2025, during which various ideas and practices of belonging will be discussed.

heimaten Festival

The heimaten network, an alliance of over thirty cultural institutions and civil society initiatives, is organising the decentralised heimaten festival in September 2025, with numerous events in all German federal states as well as in Austria and Switzerland.
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