With over 500,000 objects, the Münzkabinett (Numismatic Collection) is one of the largest coin collections worldwide.
It is renowned for its rich variety and the continuity of its coin series, ranging from the dawn of minting in Asia Minor in the 7th century BC to its collections of coins and medals from the 21st century.
Among the most significant holdings of the collection are 102,000 coins from ancient Greece, about 50,000 ancient Roman coins, 160,000 European coins from the Middle Ages and the modern era, and 35,000 coins from the Islamic Orient. The Münzkabinett also owns 25,000 medals, an art form that developed in the 15th century.
Additional information
Price: Museum Island all exhibitions: 18,00 €
Normal price: 10.00
Reduced price: 5.00