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11 Tips for Women's Day in Berlin

By women for a better world

Zwei Frauen auf einem Dach
© GettyImages, Foto: Karl Schaeffler/EyeEm

As late as the 1960s, women were not allowed to open their own bank accounts without the permission of their husbands. In addition, the law stipulated that women could only go to work if this was "compatible with their duties in marriage and family". Even today, the framework conditions are not perfect. 

And yet, things are changing, as can be seen in the numerous events for International Women's Day, which has been a public holiday in Berlin since 2019. Take the opportunity to learn more about the topic, listen to works by female composers, go to exhibitions that exclusively present female artists and learn more about strong women and their commitment to more equality and a better world.

Our 11 tips for Women's Day - for men too, of course.

Tip 1: International Women's Day at the Deutsche Historische Museum (German Historical Museum)

Deutsches Historisches Museum
Deutsches Historisches Museum © DHM/ Thomas Bruns

Women who made history are the focus of the Women's Day guided tour at the German Historical Museum. You will get to know famous women, but also those whose everyday lives sound too banal at first glance to make it into history books or exhibitions.  It's about industrial workers and women's suffrage activists. At the Zeughauskino, the retrospective "ob kinder oder keine - Schwangerschaftskonflikt im deutschen Spielfilm" (whether children or none - pregnancy conflict in German feature films) is about feminist questions about bodily self-determination until 27 March.

When: 8 March, various guided tours
Where: German Historical Museum, PEI Building, Hinter dem Gießhaus 3, Mitte

Tip 2: Women's Day Concert - Women Composers & Women's Voices

Verleihung des LCD-Award 2020
© visitBerlin, Foto: Kevin McElvaney

For Women's Day, the Berlin Women's Vocal Ensemble presents a very special concert. You will hear music for women's voices by female composers from different eras. Fanny Hensel, granddaughter of the Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn and sister of Felix Mendelssohn, represents the Romantic period. Leonora d'Este, daughter of Pope Alexander VI and wife of the Duke of Ferrara was part of one of the most famous families of the Renaissance. The choral music you hear from was sung by nuns in the 16th century. But there are also contemporary works, for example by the composer and pianist Lea Auerbach.

When: 8 March
Where: St. Matthew's Church, Matthäikirchplatz, Tiergarten

Tip 3: Opening Days, Talks and Guided Tours - European Month of Photography in March

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Since 1 March, EMOP Berlin, the major international festival European Month of Photography, has been celebrating its 10th anniversary. For example, the women's group exhibitions "Matrixial Spaces" at the Luisa Catucci Gallery deals with the symbolic female view of creative processes. Numerous other exhibitions show the broad diversity of photography in museums, galleries and cultural venues under the leitmotif TOUCH. We have put together 11 exciting exhibitions for you.

When: 1 to 31 March
Where: various venues


Tip 4: Everything is permitted: IMPRO 23 - Women's show (also with men)

Comedy cabaret stage in Berlin
Stage cabaret & comedy © Getty Images, Foto: Trodler

This year, the IMPRO Festival is honouring Women's Day with a women's show. After all, for the first time it falls in the middle of the period of this biggest impro theatre festival in Berlin. The theme will of course be Women's Day, but also everything else that goes through the minds of the audience and performers on 8 March 2023. And yes, a few men will also be allowed to improvise. The improvisation will be in easily understandable English.

When: 8 March, 8:30 pm
Where: Ratibor Theatre, Cuvrystraße 20a, Kreuzberg

Tip 5: Sing along at Karaokee Xpress

Green Mango Berlin
© Green Mango

Join the Karaokee Xpress at the Gorki Kiosk. The red carpet will be rolled out for Women's Day and you can be in the spotlight yourself. Come, listen, sing along, because literally translated, karaoke means "empty orchestra" - and that should help fill it. FLINTA* voices only please (women, lesbians, inter-, non-binary, trans and agender people).

When: 8 March, 8 pm
Where: Maxim Gorki Theatre: Gorki Kiosk, Dorotheenstraße 3, Mitte

Tip 6: Soul for Women's Day: A Song for You

Exterior view of the Volksbühne Berlin
Theater Volksbühne © Volksbühne

50 singers are part of this Berlin-based vocal ensemble project dedicated to soul, including RnB and hip hop. The aim is to make underrepresented voices, songs and works heard. At the Women's Day concert, you'll hear a number of unreleased tracks from the upcoming debut album. You can also look forward to some special guests.

When: 8 March
Where: Volksbühne am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, Mitte

Tip 7: Film for Women's Day: Jeanne Dielman, 23 quai du Commerce, 1080 Brussels

People at an event in the Kuppelhalle at Silent Green in Berlin.
Kuppelhalle (Dome Hall) in the Silent Green in Berlin © silent green, Foto: Julia Schroierer

One woman, one flat, three days: In this film from 1975, you watch a widowed woman go about her daily life for three hours. You see her cleaning, making beds and peeling potatoes - and then there is a surprising twist. Chantal Akerman's feminist film Jeanne Dielman is the first work by a female director to be voted the best film of all time in the December 2022 poll by the influential film journal Sight & Sound.

When: 8 March, 7 pm
Where: Kuppelhalle in the silent green Kulturquartier, Gerichtstaße 35, Wedding

Tip 8: 11 Berlin women, who made an impact

Marlene Dietrich in Israel
Marlene Dietrich in Israel © Marlene_Dietrich_in_Israel_1960.jpg: Sara and Eli Rossderivative work: TonyPolar, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Many women have moved and shaped Berlin, through all times and in all professions. They have stood up for equal rights and provided food for thought.  Like the women of the 1920s who seized the opportunity for emancipation or women with an impressive history like Marlene Dietrich. It is not easy to select individual women. Nevertheless, we have taken a look at eleven very special women whom we would like to introduce to you here.

11 Berlin women, who made an impact

Tip 9: Strong women and courageous pioneers: Women's March in Berlin

Lachende, jubelnde Frau
© GettyImages, Foto: Maskot

The Frauenmärz - a series of events in Tempelhof-Schöneberg - offers a platform for women who have achieved and created a lot, but are still unknown today or have not been sufficiently appreciated. Women from politics, science, art and business, but also strong women from everyday life today.
Throughout March, you have the opportunity to experience this programme of participation and rediscovery.

When: 1 to 31 March
Where: various venues in Tempelhof- Schöneberg

Tip 10: Women in Moabit - Persecution and Resistance under National Socialism

Mahnmal Levetzowstraße
© wikimedia, Foto: Molgreen (CCBY-SA3-0)

A one-and-a-half-hour route takes you to places where women lived and worked during the Nazi era. It will give you an overview of the diversity and breadth of female resistance to the Nazi regime. You will gain insight into the individual fates of strong women. The tour starts at the dependence of the Mitte Museum in the Tiergarten Town Hall and ends at the memorial for the former synagogue in Levetzowstraße, which was misused as a collection camp for the deportation of Berlin Jews.

When: 4 March to 10 November 2023
Where: Tiergarten City Hall, Mathilde-Jacob-Platz 1, Tiergarten


Tip 11: Parties for Women's Day: Eight-to-the-floor & Festive Women's Assembly with Fete

© Getty Images, Foto: Dragan Radojevic

The real party on Women's Day will be in the iconic basement of the Old Mint. The aim is to create an atmosphere where you can celebrate yourselves and your community. To this end, the two Berlin collectives xcuse:u and BLVSH have invited a great FLINTA* line-up. The party starts on 7 March at 10 pm.

When: 7 March from 10 pm
Where: Alte Münze, Molkenmarkt 2, Mitte

It will be festive and international for Women's Day at the Forum Factory. In addition to concerts and performances from Japan, Colombia, Turkey and Tibet, a film from Tibet awaits you. There will be hot food, a delicious buffet and from 10 pm the party continues with dancing and a DJane.

When: 8 March 6 pm
Where: Forum Factory, Besselstraße 13-14, Mitte