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11 Sustainable Winter Tips

Environmentally conscious through the cold time of year

A residential street covered in snow, Berlin, Germany
© Getty Images, Bild: Marc Volk

Sustainability in winter? The cycle paths are icy and nature is in winter hibernation, at first glance it is not so easy. Nevertheless, there are numerous sustainable activities in Berlin in winter too. So don't put your environmental awareness on ice during the colder months of the year. Discover sustainable winter activities in the capital with these 11 tips.

Tip 1: Enjoy entertainment with a clear conscience at the Wintergarten Varieté

Wintergarten Varieté
© Foto: Benjamin Düntsch

Magic, music, dance and acrobatics - the Wintergarten Varieté will catch your eye with its impressive shows, bright lights and sophisticated atmosphere. It offers you a great opportunity to get to the bottom of your ideas about sustainable activities. Because: this location holds the sustainability certificate from Sustainable Tourism Berlin. This means that it fulfils high standards with regard to the environment, the treatment of employees and corporate governance.

When: Performances almost daily
Where: Potsdamer Straße 96, Mitte

More about Wintergarten Varieté

Tip 2: Discover Berlin's many different districts

visitBerlin, 15 Minuten Stadt
© visitBerlin, Foto: Mo Wüstenhagen

Berlin has 12 districts, but visitors and even many locals often hardly get to know their many facets. Time to change that and go on a discovery tour! In our new series, we present 11 tips for each district that are guaranteed to help you discover new sides of Berlin. Warning: you'll have trouble deciding which insider tip to visit first.

Previously published articles in the series:


More about berlin's Districts

Tip 3: Discover the mysterious world of bees at C/O Berlin

Beekeeping, Café Botanico Berlin
Beekeeping, Café Botanico Berlin © Martin Höfft, Cafe Botanico 2019

Humans have been intervening in nature for thousands of years - this does not always have to have a negative impact. In any case, the role of guardian and caretaker suits us better than that of destroyer. The relationship between humans and bees is a good example of this. This winter, C/O Berlin is launching a new exhibition that looks at this. Among other things, you can see mystical objects that have emerged from beekeeping culture.

When: From 27 January
Where: C/O Berlin, Hardenbergstraße 22, Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf

To the exhibition

Tip 4: Explore the city of tomorrow at the Berlin TXL Info Centre

Freedom Dinner TXL
© Tegel Projekt GmbH, Foto: Gerhard Kassner

Berlin is already familiar with the conversion of disused airports. Tempelhofer Feld, a popular local recreation area, is the world's largest open space in the city centre. You can find out how things are going at Tegel Airport on a free guided tour of the Berlin TXL information centre. Find out how the city of tomorrow will be built on the site of the former major airport.

When: Every Friday 14:30 and 16:00
Where:  Infocenter Berlin TXL, Tegel Airport 1, Reinickendorf

See the free Tour

Tip 5: Don't miss out on a visit to the market even in winter

Merry Markthalle in der Markthalle Neun
© Markthalle Neun

Sheltered from the wind and weather, market halls are a great place for a relaxed stroll, especially in winter. Discover the lively Markthalle Neun on Street Food Thursday, have an espresso in the Markthalle Tegel, enjoy your Sunday brunch in the Arminiusmarkthalle or buy organic produce in the Marheineke Markthalle. What they all have in common is that you will find fresh seasonal produce and a lively market atmosphere.

Marktet halls in Berlin

Tip 6: Enjoy vegan baked goods

© Getty Images, Foto: Luis Alvarez

Whether it's cakes, cookies, cupcakes, cinnamon buns or simply freshly baked bread - everything is good with pastries in the cold season. It's even better when you have a steaming cup of coffee or cocoa in your frozen hands - vegan too, of course. Find out which vegan cafés are the best places to warm up in winter in our blog post.

Why vegan? Even if you don't want to switch your diet to non-animal products permanently, it makes sense to incorporate vegan alternatives. On the whole, animal products produce more CO2 than non-animal products, so even the occasional switch to vegan has a positive effect on your personal carbon footprint.

11 Tips for vegan Bakeries in Berlin

Tip 7: Attend events at the Haus der Statistik

Young Woman Asking Question And Gesturing With Her Hands During Presentation
© GettyImages, Foto: Tom Werner

In the participatory model project Haus der Statistik, you can take part in interesting events or obtain materials for your next textile or DIY project. Second-hand markets and material exchanges take place here regularly, but the programme also includes discussion rounds and live art studios.

When: from Tuesday to Thursday and Saturday, various dates
Where: Haus der Statistik, Otto-Braun-Straße 70-72, Mitte

More Information and Program  

Tip 8: Explore winter nature with the Britz open-air laboratory

Close-Up Of Tree Against Sky
© gettyimages, Foto: Jörg Farys/EyeEm

The Britz open-air laboratory offers informative tours for children and adults. In the Britz Garden, you can discover birds in winter and learn what they feed on during the barren season. Or you can learn to read the tracks of wild animals with your children. The non-profit organisation's varied programme shows that life in the park and garden does not come to a standstill in winter.

When: Weekly Friday to Sunday, various dates - German language
Where: Freilandlabor Britz e.V., Tempelhofer Damm 45, Neukölln

Britz open-air laboratory

Tip 9: Discover products from Berlin manufactories and studios

Small vases from the Lüder ceramics workshop at Domäne Dahlem
Small vases from the Lüder ceramics workshop at Domäne Dahlem © visitBerlin, Foto: Eveline Klink/ideenmanufaktur

Take your time and discover unique products from Berlin manufactories. The variety of goods made in Berlin will surprise you. From beautiful handmade ceramics to heavenly popcorn and eco-friendly cosmetics, you'll find everything you need. Best of all, your shopping trip supports the local economy. This means that your money goes to Berlin companies and not to large international chains.

Crafted in Berlin

Tip 10: Visit an indoor flea market

Furniture on flea market, Germany
Indoor flea market © Getty Images, Foto: taikrixel

Are you eagerly awaiting warmer days so you can stroll around flea markets again? To bridge the gap until then, why not visit an indoor flea market? Probably the best-known indoor flea market in Berlin is the Alt-Treptow indoor flea market. But you can also find an antique flea market near the Juliusturm in Spandau. The indoor flea markets differ slightly from the typical flea markets, so you will find less clothing and more furniture.

When: Saturday and Sunday 10 am to 6 pm
Where: Alt-Treptow indoor flea market, Eichenstraße 4A, Treptow-Köpenick

Inddor Flea Market Alt-Treptow

Tip 11: Making space for new things at the BSR neighbourhood days

Vintage case
© Getty Images, Foto: mgs

The BSR neighbourhood days are taking place in many Berlin neighbourhoods over the next few weeks. Under the motto "Unload bulky waste, loot treasures", you can quickly and easily get rid of old furniture and objects that you no longer have any use for. Items in good condition will also become part of a swap and giveaway market. With this campaign, the BSR (Berliner Stadtreinigung) is working against the pollution of the streets by illegally disposed bulky waste and ensuring that as few treasures as possible end up in the rubbish. Even if you are in Berlin as a tourist, you might be able to pick up an unusual souvenir or two here - even for free.

BSR neighbourhood days

By the way: You can also browse for second-hand treasures in the BSR second-hand department store NochMall.

Maria Grade


studied art history in Berlin and is at home in the digital world. For her, things get interesting where technology and sustainability meet art and architecture. As a child, she wanted to become a writer or journalist. Today she writes about the Berlin of the future for you. All posts