WISTA Adlershof
Germany’s most modern high technology park
A high-performance camera on board the Mars Express space probe that transmits sensational images of the red neighbouring planet, sugar-based vaccines, tandem solar cells with a world-record efficiency of almost 30 percent, the first year-round electricity storage system - all this and much more is "Made in Adlershof". The plans being forged in Berlin Adlershof have always been high-flying. In 1909, the first German motorised airfield opened on the site, and Adlershof became the "Mecca" of the aircraft industry.
Science and business location

Today, a good 100 years later, the “Wissenschafts and Wirtschaftsstandort Adlershof”, WISTA for short, is Germany’s most modern high technology park and the most important scientific, economic, and media centre in Berlin. Since 1991, on the four square kilometre large area, ten extramural research institutions have established themselves, as well as six Humboldt University institutes and more than 1200 companies. Through the transfer of knowledge between the various institutions and their worldwide networking, countless innovative products and new jobs have already been created. There is a concentration on the technology fields of photonics and optics, microsystems and materials, information technology (IT) and media, biotechnology and the environment, and photovoltaics.