Admission free for children and youths
Berlin's museums for free
Admission to several museums, exhibition halls and especially memorial sites in Berlin is free of charge for all guests. Where admission is charged, however, children and young people are usually admitted free of charge: in all state museums as well as in the state museums and numerous other institutions.
Free entry for all
In many museums and documentation sites in the world metropolis of Berlin, not only does everyone under the age of 18 not pay, but neither do friends, parents and grandparents. Here are just a few examples:

- AlliiertenMuseum
- ANOHA The Children's World of the Jewish Museum
- East Side Gallery
- Futurium
- Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer
- Humboldt Forum, Ethologisches Museum und Museum für Asiatische Kunst
- Jüdisches Museum Berlin
- Palais Populaire
- Stabi Kulturwerk
- Topographie des Terrors
- Urban Nation
Our Museums without Admission page offers you a complete overview.
By the way: Admission to Berlin museums is generally free for everyone on the first Sunday of every month. And the Neue Nationalgalerie offers free admission to all exhibitions and the sculpture garden every Thursday between 4pm and 8pm.
Free of charge until 18 years
Berlin's Museum Island in the heart of the capital is world-famous and holds unique art treasures. All five museums are free of charge for children and young people. But many other major museums and important institutions do not charge admission for visitors up to the age of 18.
Here is a small selection:
- Berlinische Galerie
- Bröhan-Museum
- Brücke Museum
- C/O Berlin
- Deutsche Kinemathek / Museum für Film und Fernsehen
- Deutsches Historisches Museum
- Deutsches Technikmuseum
- Gemäldegalerie
- Hamburger Bahnhof
- Liebermann Villa am Wannsee
- Museum für Fotografie
- Museum für Kommunikation
- Neues Museum
More free offers

Many well-known Berlin museums and documentation centres offer free admission for different age groups. Berlin's palaces and gardens are free for children under 7 without exception. Here is an overview:
- Deutsches Spionagemuseum until 6 years
- Gropius Bau until 16 years
- Anne Frank Zentrum until 10 years
- Jagdschloss Grunewald until 7 years
- Pfaueninsel until 7 years
- Schloss Charlottenburg until 7 years
- Schloss Glienicke until 7 years
- DDR Museum until 6 years
- Deutsches Spionagemuseum until 6 years
- Museum für Naturkunde until 6 years
- Zitadelle Berlin until 6 years

Good value offer: Museumspass Berlin
The Museums Pass Berlin offers all visitors free admission to 30 museums on three consecutive days.