Schöneweide Industrial Museum
Schöneweide as industrial zone from Bismarck to the present
The Schöneweide Industrial Museum (Industriesalon Schöneweide) is housed in the former Oberschöneweide transformer factory and provides information about the history of Oberschöneweide as an industrial zone.
On display there are objects reflecting local industrial history such as machinery, tools or diaries. In addition, it also houses a small exhibit about the former television factory. In the "Vacuum Tube Show" visitors get an insight into the production of vacuum tubes and microwave devices like microwave ovens, weather sensors, cameras or electron microscopes. Regular lectures and events about the past, present and future of the Schöneweide industrial site round out the programme.
The video introduces the industrial culture in Berlin and shows historical images and shots from today of the Schöneweide industrial landscape. At the end you can see the VisitBerlin logo and a thank you message.The video is subtitled in English. For a transcription, the video should be watched directly on YouTube
Berlin’s industrialisation in Schöneweide
Schöneweide is closely connected with the history of Berlin’s industrialisation. Long after the factories have closed, the district is once again vibrant with the students, artists and families who make their home here now. HTW Berlin University of Applied Sciences has also set up in these environs, as has the rock musician Bryan Adams, who bought one of the old Reinbeck factory buildings for use as a project space.
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Wednesday - Sunday 14 - 18 h