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Market Nowkoelln Flowmarkt at Maybachufer Berlin
Nowkoelln Flowmarkt © visitberlin, Foto: Philip Koschel

The Nowkoelln flow market

Shopping at the Landwehr Canal

The flea market of Neukölln, which bears the nickname “Nowkoelln flow market”, is located directly on the “Maybachufer”. Here you not only find second- hand clothing, vintage, bags and accessories, but also handicrafts, books and everyday objects. Young Berlin designers present their treasures here. The main goal is to have fun and meet new people. The wonderful music keeps you in good spirits while you rummage through. And as it is well-known that shopping makes one hungry, many culinary delights await you at the Nowkoelln flow market to tease your tastebuds. You can enjoy international snacks, desserts and other delicacies.