A young man visits an elderly lady with dementia in a retirement home and pretends to be her grandson. He is supposed to obtain the old lady's signature on a backdated purchase agreement so that his boss can take possession of her house.
However, the elderly lady, who is receiving the young man, who is rather inexperienced in criminal matters, is not nearly as senile as assumed. Eloquent and unyielding, the slightly eccentric but extremely self-confident woman engages the young man in conversations about the ‘common’ past.
The young man increasingly gets entangled in contradictions, while the old lady seems to enjoy the game of cat and mouse. In the end, the question arises as to who is actually cheating on whom.
- Programme in German
Participating artists
Charles Lewinsky (Autor/in)
Irene Christ
Brigitte Grothum
Johannes Hallervorden