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An interactive learning course

In the 'Klick Clever' holiday project, children and their parents can explore the dangers of the internet together with a focus on cybergrooming. The dialogue between the generations is strengthened and the kids' skills as cyber sleuths are stimulated.

What is Klick Clever?

Instagram, TikTok, online games and the like are our children's digital "playgrounds". However, the internet is also often used by perpetrators to target children in order to gain their trust and ultimately commit sexualised violence against them. This process is called cybergrooming. In the interactive exhibition "Klick Clever", children are educated about this in a playful way. They learn how to protect themselves better, complete an Internet ABC, go through an emotional tunnel, like or dislike, buzz, learn about the value of true friendship and much more. The visit to the exhibition is professionally accompanied by Innocence in Danger e.V.

  • Where?
    Martin-Hoffmann-Str. 16, 12435 Berlin (2 min. walk from S Treptower Park (Ringbahn))
  • When?
    Summer holidays 2024
  • Who?
    Children aged 8-12 together with their parents/other adult carers
  • Price? 
    9€ (price for the purchase of a Super Holiday Pass 20 2024/25. The Super Holiday Pass is mandatory for a visit to the exhibition and will be checked on site).
  • How to book?
    Yes, please go to our booking page:
(In german language) 

Additional information