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With "Nie Ohne Seife Waschen", thirteen up-and-coming artists characterised by geographical and artistic diversity present the first exhibition of their collective. A synergy of diverse artistic forms of expression can be seen at the neurotitan gallery.

The collective was formed through exhibition visits, art academies, friends and social media. It covers a broad spectrum of forms of expression, from a wide variety of painterly approaches to object art and performance. The NOSW collective thus brings with it a comprehensive understanding of contemporary art and forms a platform for artistic expression and creative self-realisation.

The heterogeneity of the collective is seen as a reflection of Berlin's artistic diversity. At the same time, the artists incorporate a "joy of innovation in the city that corresponds to the spirit of the collective itself". The diversity of the group also lies in its geographical network.

"Nie Ohne Seife Waschen" can be traced back to the mnemonic for the four cardinal points north, east, south and west and picks up on the distributed residency within Germany. With the exhibition, the geographically dispersed network finally finds a presentation platform at neurotitan.

All of the collective's artists will be present at the vernissage for discussions and personal dialogue.
Additional information
Monday - Saturday 12 - 8 pm
Participating artists
Ben Post
Florian Leible
Julius Gödtel
Anna Bone
Lukas Rosen
Nathanael Uhlig
Nina Panzer
Pia Treiber
Tom Gully
Valentin Ernestus
Hans Vinzenz Seidl
Margarethe Ucinski
Jonathan Seiz