mimi ferments
Spicy fermented sauces and workshops
Fermentation is an ancient culinary tradition. It is impossible to imagine Asian cuisine without fermented products such as miso seasoning sauce and soy sauce. The Berlin-based manufacturer mimi ferments produces its own high-quality ferments from selected ingredients directly in Berlin.
In the shop with fermentation workshop in Wedding, which opened in the year 2017, the first thing that catches the eye are the large wooden barrels covered with cloth.
It is in these barrels that the magic happens: Selected ingredients, dusted with Koji noble mould, undergo the fermentation process on the inside. This is how the high-quality shoyu sauces and miso pastes are born, which are highly appreciated by gastronomes.
If you would like to learn more about fermentation or perhaps even try it yourself at home, you can take part in miso or shoyu workshops at mimi ferments. Here you can learn the basics and then take your own ferments home to mature. Starter cultures for fermenting at home are also readily available at mimi ferments.