Bertolt Brecht's Final Home
Near the Spree and just a few minutes' walk from the Berliner Ensemble is the Brecht-Weigel Museum. The house where Bertolt Brecht and his wife, the actress Helene Weigel, lived and worked from 1953 until his death in 1956 has been a memorial since 1978, a museum since 2018. The premises have been partially preserved in their original condition and contain the writer's living and working areas and Brecht's surviving library of about 4,000 volumes. The cellar is home to the Brecht Keller, a restaurant serving Austrian cuisine, alluding to the Viennese origins of Helene Weigel, who was also a passionate cook. A visit is possible only with a guided tour (maximum eight people). The Brecht-Weigel Museum is operated by the Akademie der Künste.
The building also houses the Literaturforum im Brechthaus.