Literaturforum im Brechthaus
Literature in the midst of life
Love Brecht? The Literature Forum at the Brecht House organises many exciting readings and not just works by Brecht.
The literary readings at the Literature Forum are a delight not just for fans of Bertolt Brecht, but for all lovers of literature. Writers present their latest works as the hubbub of the city passes by the house's large windows.
The programme at the Literature Forum
Readings, exhibitions, talks, film, and theatre performances are held in the Literature Forum, which sees itself as standing in the tradition of German playwright Bertolt Brecht, who lived in this house until his death in 1956. The Literature Forum questions the role of arts and culture in society and politics and tries to initiate a lively debate. Writers present their latest works and engage in dialogue with other writers, critics, and the audience. Of course, Brecht's own work plays a special role in the Forum's agenda. Regular events show its continuing importance to the artists of today.
Brecht House
The playwright lived in this 1840 home with his wife, actress Helene Weigel from 1953 until his death in 1956. In the rooms on the first floor of the side wing, the Brecht-Weigel memorial is housed, home to the most extensive Brecht archive in the world. This also the headquarters of Brecht-Erben, the company that manages the rights to Brecht's works. The Literature Forum has its event space on the ground floor, a former shop space with a large display window.
Brecht Centre and Literature Forum
Originally the Literature Forum was founded in 1978 as the Brecht Centre to provide access to the works of Brecht and organise Brecht-related events. The leaders of the Brecht Centre also organised readings and discussions with other writers and artists. The Brecht Centre survived the end of the Communist era due to its international reputation and was able to continue its work. Although Brecht's works are still an important part of the programme, the Literature Forum now sees itself as a central institution for German literature and is dedicated to the works of contemporary artists.
The Dorotheenstadt Cemetery
The graves of Bertolt Brecht and Helene Weigel are in the Dorotheenstadt Cemetery, right next door to the house they shared.