Haus am Kleistpark (House on Kleistpark)
Contemporary art in former Botanical Museum
Originally built in 1880 as the Royal Botanical Garden, the House on Kleistpark in Grunewaldstraße has been home to the Schöneberg district Office of Art since the end of the 60s. Since then, the listed building has established itself as an exhibition location for contemporary art. As the name implies, it is situated in direct romantic proximity to the idyllic Heinrich von Kleist Park. With its almost 300 m² (3,300 ft²) exhibition space, the House on Kleistpark is still one of the largest communal galleries in Berlin.
Changing exhibitions with different emphases are held in the herbarium rooms of the former botanical garden: contemporary art, current or historical photography and events relevant to cultural history. The gallery is open to visitors free of charge from Tuesday to Sunday. The House on Kleistpark is also home to the Leo Kestenberg Music School.
Opening hours (additional information)
Di-So | 10-19 |