Hakenfelder Wäldchen - Loop Trail for the Visually Impaired
"Feel" the Hakenfelder Wäldchen
The wooded loop trail in the Hakenfelder Wäldchen is something special because its first 700 metres are specially designed for people with visual impairments.
The wooded loop trail in the Hakenfelder Wäldchen is something special because its first 700 metres are specially designed for people with visual impairments. Where otherwise unpaved paths and fallen branches pose a risk for injury to those who cannot see, this trail offers a grooved guide system like that found in Berlin's stations to help walkers stay safely on the path. Several boards contain Braille text so visitors can learn what's coming up along the path or where there might be a nearby bench to take a break. The trail gives persons who are blind or who have visual impairments the opportunity to take unaccompanied walks safely through the park and to relax in nature. In addition to getting close to nature on the trail, visitors can also take advantages of the nearby sporting ground and clubhouse for seniors. The trail is located between Hakenfelder Straße, Niederneuendorfer Allee and Wichernstraße.