Flea Market at Rathaus Schöneberg
From clothing to gadgets
Here, where John F. Kennedy made his legendary “Ich bin ein Berliner” speech, a beautiful flea market has developed – directly in front of the Schöneberg Rathaus (town hall). The wooden stands with folding covers are lined up in three or four rows, forming tented alleys for browsing even in rainy weather. One can easily spend two or three hours rummaging though up to 70 stands here. These are not just junk stands: you can find the most varied kinds of vendor, from elderly ladies to professional junk dealers to specialist salespeople offering mixed goods from clothing to gadgets of any kind. When you get hungry, a snack bar is always close at hand, offering drinks and sausages. The flea market in Schöneberg is open from 9 am to 4 pm, and 'regulars' know that it is always worth getting there early.
Opening hours
Saturday and Sunday 8am to 4pm |