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Factory Girl

Trendy vegan and vegetarian restaurant

The trendy restaurant Factory Girl is not an insider tip among Berlin fans of vegan and vegetarian food anymore. Here you can get a delicious and very instagrammable breakfast and equally healthy, but aesthetically no less appealing dishes at lunchtime. Vegan cinnamon buns, poached eggs, creamy hummus and the vegan dessert Coco Anjela are waiting to be enjoyed. The delicious dishes are best accompanied by homemade lemonade. The interior design of the restaurant reflects the healthy concept with lots of wood, earthy colours and unplastered walls. In the style of a truly trendy location, there may be a wait for a table. You can join the digital queue by scanning the QR code on the door. Factory Girl was founded in Berlin in 2009 and quickly enjoyed great success. There is now an offshoot in Amsterdam.