Comedy on a BOAT
Laughing Spree Comedy brings English comedy to the boat. Against a picturesque backdrop on the Spree, the best comedians on the scene make their audience laugh. All comedians have 5 - 7 minutes to make their audience laugh. The weekly show, hosted by Chris Doering, features different comedians, many guest comedians and occasionally newcomers.
- The shows take place alternately on the Floating Lounge and the historic ship Helene.
- The show is donation-based, donations of €12-15 are recommended.
- All seat reservations are valid until 7:45 p.m. So be sure to arrive before the start of the event. There is no refund of the reservation fee.
Additional information
Seat reservations are only valid until 15 minutes before the show starts. Please come to the venue before then. No refunds for people who arrive after the show started.
Both ships are not suitable for wheelchairs.