Knowledge and work of the Prussian court gardeners
Gardens have always been places of recreation and spiritual edification. However, they are not only a symbol of lost paradise, but also reflect the different social conditions. In all epochs, gardens were used to represent their owners, whose names are often linked to the gardens. On the other hand, the gardeners involved in their planting and nursing are generally less well-known to the public
Their extensive knowledge in all fields of gardening and horticulture made it possible, with the idea of the garden, its artistic design and equipment, to approach the dream of paradise. The Hofgärtnermuseum Glienicke is therefore dedicated to the profession of the court gardener and the spectrum of his practical and theoretical activities.
Documents and exhibits from the Hofgärtner's estate illustrate the facets of horticultural work from planning and surveying to flowering culture, portraying educational paths and career opportunities, and illustrating their elevated social position. The "Gallery of Prussian Hofgärtner" gives an overview of portraits and illustrations, biographies and works. In the earthenware room of the Glienicke Palace veduta from the 18th and 19th century give a vivid impression of the landscape to the life of the court gardeners.