Permanent Exhibition at the German Air Force Museum Berlin-Gatow
The aircraft typical of each decade are displayed along with exhibits from the relevant period and film and media stations. Several adjoining rooms are dedicated to various aspects of the everyday life of German Air Force soldiers.
The story of the Militärhistorisches Museum der Bundeswehr is told via gigantic artefacts such as aircrafts, radars and launch sites. The Bundeswehr Military History Museum is located directly on a (former) airfield - Gatow in west Berlin.
More than 100 flying vehicles occupy an extensive outdoor display area. The site is open air and also encompasses the tower building and hangars.
The airplanes, helicopters, radar and air defense systems in the outdoor display area are arranged in groups of exhibits according to their subject matter.
In addition, the tower building accommodates exhibition areas that are related to the history of the building. Models remind visitors of the use of the Gatow airfield during the Berlin Airlift. On the upper floor, there are parts of the former British officers' club.
And films are shown in a cinema auditorium.