Time and again, parents and educators wonder how bullying arises and what can be done about it. In this play, the children try to find out for themselves by means of their play instructions.
- Programme in German
Participating artists
Sinem Altan (Musik)
Frida Grubba (Kostüm- & Bühnenbild)
Frank Hamann (Video)
Paola Reyes (Choreografie)
Matthias Schönfeldt (Regie)
Esther Bechtold (Das Huhn)
Falk Berghofer (Kind)
Grace Flindell
Martin Fonfara
Martha Kröger (Kind)
Jacob Meinecke (Kind)
Mora Thurow (Kind / Mutter)
Jochen Weichenthal (Kind)
Magdalena Wiedenhofer (Kind)