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The Top 11 Museum Cafés in Berlin

Where a visit to the museum is doubly worthwhile

A waitress serves a couple in a café in Berlin In the café
In the Café © gettyimages, Foto: Geber86

You've probably experienced it before: After a visit to the museum, you're inspired but also a little exhausted and want to review the exhibition you've just been to. A good coffee, delicious cake or other food and drink can help. Everyone knows that Berlin has many beautiful cafés! Here we show you the most beautiful cafés that are located right next to the museum of your choice and where you can easily combine an exhibition and a coffee. A visit to the exhibition is not a must everywhere.  

Tip 1: TorEins    

Technikmuseum raisin bombers
Technikmuseum raisin bombers ©, Foto: Michael Fuery

TorEins is part of the historic Ladenstraße on the grounds of the German Museum of Technology. Somewhere between retro and modern, the café or restaurant is perfect for a break from the museum tour. Not only can you enjoy a huge selection of delicious cakes, but you also have a fantastic view of the Kreuzberg meadow.

When: daily 10 am to 6 pm
Where: Möckernstraße 26, Kreuzberg

More about the Deutsches Technikmuseum

Tip 2: Café in the Bode Museum 

Bode-Museum at northern part of Museumisland Berlin
Bode-Museum at Museumsisland ©, Foto: Jürgen Hohmuth

The café in the Bode Museum is one of the most beautiful museum cafés in the city. You can get in here even if you're not a museum visitor. From the balcony of the inner hall you have a fantastic view of the neo-baroque domed hall with the monumental equestrian statue of the Great Elector. In addition to a variety of cakes, you'll be served changing seasonal dishes, pasta and salads.

When: Tuesday to Sunday from 10 am to 6 pm 
Where: Am Kupfergraben, entrance via Monbijoubrücke, Mitte  

More about the Bode Museum

Tip 3: Museumscafé Max 

room in the Liebermann Villa
room in the Liebermann Villa © visitBerlin, Foto: Günter Steffen

The Museum Café Max in the Liebermann Villa offers you a beautiful ambience with a view of Wannsee. Enjoy the colourful sunsets on the lake with delicious cakes and tarts, but also small savoury dishes. Whether in summer or winter, a visit is always worthwhile. An entrance ticket to the exhibition is required to visit the café.

When: Opening hours vary depending on the season
Where: Liebermann Villa on Wannsee, Colomierstraße 3, Zehlendorf 

More about the Liebermann-Villa

Tip 4: Café in the Haus am Waldsee

Haus am Waldsee in Berlin
Haus am Waldsee © Bezirksamt Steglitz-Zehlendorf

The Café am Waldsee puts sustainability in the foreground. Here you can enjoy organic food and drinks. You can round off your visit to the exhibition with a great view of the water and the garden through the large windows.  

When: When: Tuesday to Sunday from 11 am to 6 pm
Where: Haus am Waldsee e.V. International Art in Berlin, Argentinische Allee 30, Zehlendorf 

Café im Haus am Waldsee  

Tip 5: Kaffeehaus Dallmayr 

Museum für Kommunikation
© visitberlin, Foto: Wolfgang Scholvien

Dallmayr is located in the Museum of Communication. In addition to in-house coffee and tea specialities, you can enjoy a variety of dishes, popular classics and a daily changing business lunch menu. The perfect place for a break after a tour of the museum!

When: Is currently being remodelled and will reopen soon!
Where: Museum für Kommunikation Berlin, Leipziger Straße 16, Mitte 

More about the Museum für Kommunikation

Tip 6: Café in the Kunsthaus Dahlem  

Skulpturengarten am Kunsthaus Dahlem
© Kunsthaus Dahlem, 2018

The new café in the Kunsthaus Dahlem is located right next to the Brücke Museum. The special thing about it: You can enjoy many homemade delicacies in a unique studio atmosphere under 10-metre-high stucco ceilings. In summer, it's nice to sit in the spacious outdoor area, surrounded by trees and sculptures.

When: Wednesday to Monday from 11 am to 6 pm
Where: Käuzchensteig 8-12, Zehlendorf 

More about the Kunsthaus Dahlem

Tip 7: Café Dix 

Berlinische Galerie in Berlin Kreuzberg
Außenansicht Berlinische Galerie © Berlinische Galerie, © Foto: Noshe

Café Dix in the Berlinische Galerie is the perfect place to relax after a visit to the museum. If there's more than one of you, there's plenty of space on the large sun terrace. Try the first-class seasonal Mediterranean cuisine or have a nice coffee and a piece of cake. The museum shop is right next door.

When: Wednesday to Monday from 10 am to 6 pm
Where: Alte Jakobstraße 124-128, Mitte 

More about the Berlinische Galerie

Tip 8: WeltWirtschaft in the House of World Cultures

© visitBerlin, Foto: Fotoagentur Wolf, freiheitswerke

Here you can enjoy cake, coffee and pizza with a view of the Spree. WeltWirtschaft emphasises regional products and also offers many vegan and vegetarian options on its menu. In good weather, it's nice to sit on the enclosed terrace of the restaurant and café. In the evening, a disco ball creates a special atmosphere in the dining room.

When: Monday to Sunday from 12 noon, evening menu starts at 5 pm
Where: John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10, Mitte

Haus der Kulturen der Welt

Tip 9: Restaurant in the Hamburger Bahnhof  

museum Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin
museum Hamburger Bahnhof © visitBerlin, Foto: Martin Gentischer

Here you'll find a lot of things made in-house: the restaurant at Hamburger Bahnhof has fresh and delicious food ready for you both inside and outside. The cake comes from the in-house pastry shop, the herbs are grown in the front garden and the fish is smoked in-house.  

When: Tuesday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm l Thursday until 8 pm | Saturday & Sunday 11 am to 6 pm
Where: Invalidenstr. 50, Mitte 

More about the Hamburger Bahnhof

Tip 10: Café Babette 

Berliner Kindl Brauerei
© Dept

Pure industrial culture characterises the ambience of the extraordinary Café Babette in the KINDL - Centre for Contemporary Art: you sit between gigantic former boilers and enjoy homemade cakes and seasonal soups of the day. You can also be inspired by regular performances by a wide variety of artists. In summer, Café Babette has a beautiful outdoor area, Babette's Garden.

When: Monday to Friday 12 to 2 pm and 6 to 10 pm, Saturday & Sunday 4 to 10 pm
Where: Am Sudhaus 3, Neukölln 

More about the KINDL

Tip 11: Museumscafé Lina in the Jüdisches Museum 

Jewish Museum Berlin exterior facade
Jewish Museum Berlin exterior facade © Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Foto: Jens Ziehe

In addition to traditional dishes from Jewish and Israeli cuisine, you can enjoy homemade cake, baklava and a refreshing lemonade during your coffee break. Perfect in fine weather: combine your visit to the café with a walk through the museum garden. The visit is also possible without admission.  

When: Monday to Friday from 11 am to 5 pm l Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm
Where: Lindenstraße 9-14, Kreuzberg 

More about the Jüdisches Museum