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ATZE Music Theatre Berlin, Captain of Köpenick
ATZE Music Theatre Berlin, Captain of Köpenick © Jörg Metzner

Atze - Musictheatre

Theatre for all - for around 40 years

An extensive repertoire is performed almost daily on three stages for children from the age of 3, schoolchildren and, of course, families. Unique: the combination of live music and theatre.

The ATZE Musiktheater im Wedding is one of the largest family theatres in Germany with around 100,000 spectators a year. The ATZE presents an extensive programme for families and children from the age of three on three stages. Mornings are dedicated to school classes and nurseries, while in the afternoons and at weekends there is a varied programme for families. New: the evening programme for all those who want to stay awake longer.

Versatile repertoire

The programme includes classics such as "Emil and the Detectives", "Ronja the Robber's Daughter" and "Das SAMS", but also newly told fairy tales such as "Hans im Glück" or "Das tapfere Schneiderlein".  The current dance theatre productions such as "I am Vincent and I am not afraid" and "The Ugly Duckling" were both nominated for the IKARUS theatre price.

Missing content item.

Educational, socio-political and musical

The play about the climate crisis "No Planet B" and the new production of "The Conference of the Animals" based on Erich Kästner demonstrate the ATZE's educational and socio-political aspirations. Meanwhile, productions such as "You don't talk about that" motivate children to explore the topic of sexuality and set boundaries.

ATZE - big brother or best friend

ATZE is a very well-known name in Berlin and means something like best friend or big brother. In this sense, the musical theatre aims to strengthen children's self-esteem, support their personal development and encourage them to recognise and demand their rights at an early age.

A musical theatre with high standards

The ATZE's special trademark is the combination of live music and theatre. All productions have this claim and also include educational theatre offers for the little ones as well as current interactive political formats for young people.

Once a year, ATZE organises a Junior Barcamp: Under the slogan "Voice of the Future", 100 pupils from the fifth and sixth grades discuss their individual future topics and even have the opportunity to discuss their ideas and demands directly with politicians on site. Accompanying educational material and theatre education workshops are available for most of the plays.

New open-air stage

Since 2023, the ATZE has had a new open-air stage: in the Tempelhofer Feld air castle, an evening programme of spoken theatre, concerts, shows, comedy and readings is offered in addition to its own productions during the summer months.

Luftschloss Atze Musiktheater in Berlin, spectators
Luftschloss Atze Musiktheater in Berlin, spectators © @comedyflash