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Neuhardenberg Palace
© visitberlin, Foto: Wolfgang Scholvien

Schloss Neuhardenberg (Neuhardenberg Palace)

The journey takes you along golden yellow stubble fields bathed in the warm glow of the late summer sun, through picturesque villages, past timber-framed houses with potatoes and apples fresh from the new harvest for sale outside. Hardly an hour's drive from Berlin, the journey culminates in the sight of the snow-white palace of Neuhardenberg, named after the Prussian Chancellor Karl August Fürst von Hardenberg. Two famous men have clearly left their mark here: Karl Friedrich Schinkel who oversaw the conversion of the palace and Peter Joseph Lenné who landscaped the gardens.

But visitors don't just come here from the German capital to stroll around outside. In addition to being a Prussian cultural monument, Schloss Neuhardenberg is now also an attractive venue for showcasing contemporary art. The Schloss Neuhardenberg Foundation hosts selected readings, debates, exhibitions and concerts, and after an evening of art appreciation you can stay the night in the palace's own hotel.