"This is the first and last attempt by animals on all continents to save the earth. We demand immediate action!" With these unequivocal words, polar bear Paula opens the animal conference.
The situation on the planet is dramatic. The animals are threatened by water shortages and wars, while people keep gathering to negotiate the fate of the world at fruitless conferences.
They seem to have a monopoly on reason and refuse to even listen to the animals and their demands. With every encounter, the conflict between humans and animals escalates, with every encounter the tone and language change. What are we doing with our planet? Who is this "WE" and who owns the earth?
Participating artists
Andrea Pinkowski (Regie)
Sinem Altan
Jonathan Bamberg
Evelyne Cannard
Guylaine Hemmer
Juliane Kissner
Carsten Klatte
Konstanze Kromer
Sabine Liebisch
Jacob Meinecke
Maike Schröter
Marcel Siegel
Begüm Tüzemen
Jochen Weichenthal
Sebastian Härter
Jasper Diederich
Hartwig Nickola