The brave little tailor - open air theatre
7 at one go! Even if it was only flies, the tailor decides that the whole world should experience it. On his daring journey he outwits giants, catches a 1 unicorn and a wild boar.
Nothing is too heavy for the brave little tailor, not even the unwilling Princess...
A wonderful fairy tale for heroes big and small!
Also this year the Heckmann- Höfe will be transformed for 6 weeks into an open air stage with a very special charm. When it rains, there will be performances in the theatre.
(Program in German)
Participating artists
Johannes Galli (Autor/in)
Michael Summ (Komponist/in)
Thomas Matuszewski (Das tapfere Schneiderlein)
Rainer Eckhardt (Riese/ König/ Wildschwein)
Sina Haarmann (Riese/ Einhorn/ Diener/ Musfrau)