Advance sales begin on January 10th! Hardly anyone knows what to make of this vaguely Austrian-sounding name, Schicklgruber. But that was originally the name of a personality who later became very well known under a stage name: Schicklgruber was Adolf Hitler's real name.
The play by Jan Veldman and Neville Tranter describes Hitler's last days shortly before his suicide in the Führerbunker in Berlin. Despite the dark subject matter, this puppet play is, of course, in true Tranter style, a grotesque and bizarre evening that leads into the heart of darkness, but also shows the reassuring fact that death stops at nothing and no one - not even evil.
The two puppeteers Neville Tranter and Nikolaus Habjan have been friends for many years across the generations. With The Hills are Alive, which was shown at the Deutsches Theater last season, both fulfilled a long-held dream and appeared on stage together for the first time.
And in April 2024, everyone experienced a moving moment when Neville Tranter said goodbye to the stage after a final Hills performance. The grandmaster of puppetry played a key role in opening up the art form of puppetry to an adult audience in the 1970s. After his active time as a puppeteer, he is now handing over his perhaps best-known piece and the puppets that play in it to Nikolaus Habjan (and Manuela Linshalm), who is thus continuing the work of his mentor.
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Participating artists
Neville Tranter (Autor/in)
Nikolaus Habjan
Manuela Linshalm