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Shops and museums will present works on various topics such as upcycling, alternative raw materials, fibers as raw materials and the use of one's own artistic work as an impetus for rethinking resources.

The program is fluid and spreads across the city, similar to a scavenger hunt.

The following exhibitions are still running until:

August 31: Boesner: Marienfelde
Here, in the entrance area of the branch, you can see works from the "wirework - contemporary south african hand craft" initiative, which are put together by Michelle Schingerlin. She is a mouthpiece for many of the group's artists. The participants act as artist collectives and each project is created in teamwork.

September 30: EUREF CAMPUS
Vanessa Cardui's stop-motion film Paper Flood installation can be found directly in the foyer of House 10 on the EUREF CAMPUS.

September 30: German Technical Museum
Several positions in various departments as part of the Paper
Future Lab. Tanja Major in the paper technology department, Anna Rose Krau in the textile technology department and in the permanent exhibition "The Net" on the subject of communication technology.
Here with admission

September 30th: Boesner: Charlottenburg branch - entrance area on the left
In Charlottenburg, a paper sculpture by JanMicha Gamer is presented, which is dedicated to the book as an underestimated material resource.

September 30th: Vernissage Alte Münze - Gatekeeper's lodge GATE TO
This place between outside and inside is used by Harriet Groß, who
has developed a very special space-related installation for this purpose.

December 8th extended: House of Paper
Here the Paper Future Lab is part of the exhibition BALANCED with the artists: Björn Braun, Joseph Beuys and Jorinde Voigt as well as others.
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