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Berghain Berlin
© visitBerlin, Foto: Nele Niederstadt

Clubbing on Sunday

A Sunday afternoon at Berghain

Unfortunately the party does not take place at the moment

Knowledgeable partygoers don’t head to Berghain, Berlin’s most famous club, on Saturdays; instead, they wait until Sunday afternoon. A definite advantage is the long queue from the night before is no longer to be seen. But if you’re expecting a relaxing Sunday afternoon tea dance, you’re going to be disappointed. The Sunday parties are just as excessive, loud and timeless as those on Saturday night.

Especially in summer, Sundays at Berghain is one of the in-places to be, because the large garden area is then opened. Here you can just chill out or take advantage of the outdoor dance floor, complete with the occasional refreshing shower offered by the sprinkler system.