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Frühstück 3000
© Foto: Nils Hasenau

Restaurant Krokodil

Enjoy yourself and relax on the banks of the Dahme

Not far from the old town of Köpenick, directly on the banks of the Dahme, the Krokodil restaurant invites you to eat, drink and linger. With a view of the water, river bath and idyllic ambience between brick walls and lots of wood, a visit to the restaurant almost feels like a trip to the countryside. This is not the only reason why the Krokodil is also a very popular location for wedding ceremonies. Depending on the season, the menu offers various specialities of Berlin cuisine as well as international dishes, such as a tapas plate. The organisation that runs the restaurant, Der Cöpenicker e. V., is also active in youth education and international youth exchange.