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Child made up as a clown, behind a red curtain
Boy dressed as a clown © Getty Images, Foto: ampak

Come into the world of Juxirkus

Children over 10 are all welcome at the open circus in Schöneberg.

Every afternoon  a group of children gather in front of the colourful tent in the Hohenstaufenstraße in Schöneberg, to join in different circus skills. In the public training groups, they learn how to balance on a unicycle or perform somersaults on the trampoline. Other courses are devoted to acrobatics or balancing on the high wire.

Watch and join in

Regular attendees can get involved in the circus show, rehearsals start every six months for a performance before a large audience. But even those who just want a taster or simply to watch are welcome. The Juxirkus is a meeting place for children where social, motor and cognitive skills are developed. The project was founded in 1988 by the Kiezoase Neighbourhood and Family Centre.