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Digital Accessibility Declaration

Accessibility is important to us. That's why we strive to design our websites and applications to be accessible. We are constantly working on making our website accessible in accordance with the Accessible Information and Communication Technology Act Berlin (BIKTG Bln) and the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0).

This declaration on digital accessibility applies to the website

When was the accessibility declaration created or updated?

This declaration was created or last revised on 05.04.2022  

The technical review of accessibility was conducted by the public institution listed above.

How accessible is the website?

This website / application is not accessible. Almost no requirements of BITV 2.0 are met.

Which areas are not accessible?

The areas listed below are not accessible for the following reasons:  

The image database is a third-party application. The application cannot be used by external parties without invitation and is only available to a small group of users.  

The application cannot be adapted to the BIKTG without considerable budgetary and time efforts. Costs and benefits are not in balanced relation. From mid-2025, the service provider is obliged to make an accessible version of its database available.

Accessible alternative:
Image and film requests can be sent barrier-free via e-mail to

Who can you contact with comments or questions about digital accessibility?

Contact the representative of the public institution:

Contacting Berlin State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility

If your attempt to contact the public body was unsuccessful, you can contact the State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility.

Link to the contact form:

Further information on the State Commissioner for Digital Accessibility: