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Das Projekt "Out and About. Queere Sichtbarkeiten in der
Sammlung" der Volontär*innen der Berlinischen Galerieuntersucht Fotografien, Gemälde, Arbeiten auf Papier und ein Film auf ihre
queeren Lesbarkeiten. Um diverse Stimmen zu Wort kommen zu lassen, wurden externe
Autor*innen dazu eingeladen, sich mit ausgewählten Objekten

In order to let various voices have their say, external authors were invited to deal with selected objects. Their contributions enrich and complement the texts of the predominantly white, heterosexual team of volunteers.

The artists play just as much a role in relation to their artwork as the social and historical references to queer life realities. Works by Nan Goldin (*1953), Hannah Höch (1889-1978) or Herbert Tobias (1924-1982), among others, show exemplary perspectives of the LSBTIQ* (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, inter* and queer) communities, which often go unnoticed.

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